0621: Good morning, I am Lao Song! Yesterday, the big pancake stretched to 66467 and then retested to 64933.

Lao Song first went long and then short during the day. Overall, he grasped most of the market trends of the day, and the effect was not bad. Both the big pancake and the concubine benefited from the same rhythm.

At present, the daily level is still in a downward channel. The closing line was not very good for two consecutive days. Yesterday, the increase was basically beaten back. The closing line was close to the long upper shadow tombstone line. The evening data did not have any positive effect.

Although the inflow of spot ETF slowed down, it is still in the outflow state. No important data will be released this week. Focus on 64530 63947 63000 below.

Intraday operations are still mainly high-level short and rebound short.

But it is currently near the last strong support of 64500, which is also the daily support concentration area formed in the early stage, so don’t give too much space for the time being. Please refer to the actual operation tips for details.

Intraday short first and then long 64800-65100 short target 64000

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