BlockBeats news: The MakerDAO community voted to approve an executive proposal on August 5 (Beijing time), involving DSA activation, Spark Protocol debt ceiling increase, RWA treasury update and other contents. The proposal was implemented on August 7. The main changes include: DAI deposit rate increased to 8%; Spark Protocol direct deposit module maximum debt ceiling increased from 20 million DAI to 200 million DAI; RWA004-A debt ceiling reduced from 7 million DAI to 0 DAI, RWA002-A protocol implementation updated; 134.1 MKR allocated to AVC members.

In addition, Spark Protocol updated the DAI interest rate strategy, reducing the DAI market loan-to-value ratio (LTV) from 74% to 0.01%, and the DAI liquidation threshold from 76% to 0.01%; at the same time, the WETH market reserve ratio was reduced from 15% to 5%, and WETH's variableRateSlope1 was reduced from 3.8% to 3%.