Binance entered the Japanese market in November last year by acquiring Sakura Exchange Bitcoin (SEBC), a local licensed cryptocurrency trading service provider in Japan. SEBC has changed its name to Binance Japan Inc. For existing Japanese users with Binance accounts, the migration process will be launched after August 14.

Binance Japan will support 34 cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETC, DOT, QTUM, ALGO, ETH, ADA, ENJ, SAND, ASTR, BCH, BNB, MATIC, XLM, ATOM, XRP, BAT, MKR, XTZ, AVAX, LTC, DAI, IOST, XEM, ASX, CHZ, DOGE, JASMY, LINL, SHIB, SOL, TRX, ONT, and ZIL, more than the country’s main competitors Bitbank (30), GMO Coin (26), and Coincheck (22).
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