🔥 Linea @LineaBuild In my opinion, Linea is a big cat with the same high expectations as zks and Stark (the reason can be seen below). It needs to be paid special attention after the mainnet is launched. There are many interactive projects now. I have compiled a summary of some of the projects I like (partial):

✅ The first interaction time of the mainnet is very important, do it as soon as possible;

Note: Regarding the number of protocol interactions, it is recommended not to rush. There is plenty of opportunity and time. If there is a reliable protocol, just go for it.

1️⃣ Official bridge https://bridge.linea.build (high weight)

2️⃣ DEX (these three are also available on zks, with high security)

Syncswap: https://syncswap.xyz

Symbiosis: https://app.symbiosis.finance

MES Protocol: https://app.mesprotocol.com

3. Other options can be selected according to the situation

Echo: https://echodex.io

Horizon: https://app.horizondex.io

Linea Domain Class https://app.lineans.domains

LineaBank (loans can be done in small amounts, no rush): https://lineabank.finance

4. NFT and games (mainly concerned about safety and water, I won’t do it for now, I’ll talk about it when I have time)

Bilinear: https://bilinear.io

NFTs2Me: https://nfts2me.com

Omnisea: https://omnisea.org

Zonic: http://zonic.app


Tatarot: https://tatarot.ai


Thanks to the inspiration from the tweet by @ZF_lab , I wish the boss will be free soon.