Wu said that he learned that DonAlt, a KOL with wide influence, tweeted bearish Meme, saying that the reason was that there were already countless memes, thousands of new memes every day, many people bought because of the narrative of GME -> Meme rotation (very stupid in my opinion), the charts in all aspects did not look good, and the sentiment was heavily biased towards bullish. In addition, he also believed that at the current price level of BTC, almost everyone willing to buy meme coins has been attracted, and too much money flowing into new memes will further dilute the market; if BTC needs to rise sharply to attract external funds, then a large amount of liquidity injection is needed. This is not the first time that an influencer has attacked meme coins and sparked controversy. Previously, a16z CTO Eddy Lazzarin attacked meme for undermining the long-term vision of cryptocurrency and lacking technology.