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It's coming, it's coming, the golden shovel is coming to you, and there are new activities waiting for me to notify you! Binance Launch Mining Launches the 54th Project, Use BNB and FDUSD to Mine Notcoin (NOT) Important note: Binance will be the first platform to list this token, and trading will be open at 20:00 (Eastern Time) on May 16, 2024. Any claim to sell the token before the specified timeline is false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure the safety of your funds! Binance Launch Mining has now launched the 54th project - Notcoin (NOT), a community token that introduces users to web3 through a click-to-earn mining mechanism. Users can invest BNB and FDUSD in the NOT mining pool on the Launchpool website after 08:00 (Eastern Time) on May 13, 2024 to receive NOT rewards. NOT can be mined for a total of 3 days. The website is expected to be updated within approximately 24 hours of this announcement before the mining activity is opened. New coin listing Binance will list Notcoin (NOT) at 20:00 (ET8) on May 16, 2024, and open NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD and NOT/TRY trading markets, and seed label trading rules will apply.

It's coming, it's coming, the golden shovel is coming to you, and there are new activities waiting for me to notify you!

Binance Launch Mining Launches the 54th Project, Use BNB and FDUSD to Mine Notcoin (NOT)

Important note: Binance will be the first platform to list this token, and trading will be open at 20:00 (Eastern Time) on May 16, 2024. Any claim to sell the token before the specified timeline is false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure the safety of your funds!

Binance Launch Mining has now launched the 54th project - Notcoin (NOT), a community token that introduces users to web3 through a click-to-earn mining mechanism.

Users can invest BNB and FDUSD in the NOT mining pool on the Launchpool website after 08:00 (Eastern Time) on May 13, 2024 to receive NOT rewards. NOT can be mined for a total of 3 days. The website is expected to be updated within approximately 24 hours of this announcement before the mining activity is opened.

New coin listing Binance will list Notcoin (NOT) at 20:00 (ET8) on May 16, 2024, and open NOT/BTC, NOT/USDT, NOT/BNB, NOT/FDUSD and NOT/TRY trading markets, and seed label trading rules will apply.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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币安首个Megadrop打新第一期项目BounceBit(BB)深度解析以及价格预测! 一:第一轮的Megadrop为什么必须按头参与? Megadrop是一个全新的代币发行平台通过 Megadrop,用户可以抢先参与尚未在币安正式上线的精选 Web3 项目。 Megadrop上线的第一个项目BounceBit(BB)把更多的福利留给真实玩家,不同于其他空投创建无数个地址就可以撸到大毛,币安本身就是需要KYC,然后通过币安web3钱包创建,直接排除了一部分的工作室玩家,更其他真实用户更多的机会。 二:进入正题,BounceBit (BB),一条BTC再质押公链! 通过cefi+defi的模式框架来质押为BTC用户持有者能够跨多个网络获取收益 具体是怎么做的呢? 1.通过 Ceffu、Mainnet Digital 和 Fireblocks 受监管的托管服务确保基金安全。当资产通过套利策略产生利息时,用户会被获得一种名为 bounceBTC(BBTC)的 BTC 挂钩版本,该挂钩版本可委托给节点运营商,由节点运营商将质押凭证(stBTC)返还给质押者, 。然后,这种流动的质押衍生品可以再质押给其他共享安全客户端(SSC),如侧链、桥和预言机 2.用 双币 PoS 混合共识机制,让每个验证者可以同时接受 BBTC 和或 BB 代币。该系统扩大了利益相关者的基础,并在网络共识结构中编织了一层额外的弹性和安全性。 3.流动托管"(Liquid Custody)的概念,使抵押资产保持流动性的同时并提供更多获取收益的机会。当用户将资产存入 BounceBit 时,收到一个流动托管代币(LCT),该代币代表他们的资产以 1:1 的比例被监管托管。这些代币可以桥接到 BounceBit 并进一步使用。 2024: Q1,TVL一个月达到 5 亿。 2024: Q2,2 个月内达到 10 万名早期用户! 项目投资背景: 600万美元的种子轮由BlockChain、Breyer Capital领投,Binance Lab、OKX Ventures参投。 亮点总结: 质押 BB 来参与Bounce Bit PoS的双币质押机制。 双币 PoS混合共识机制,每个验证器可同时接受 BBTC 和或 BB 代币; 原生 LSD 模块允许向验证者委托质押,并接收 LST 凭证作为回报。 所有用户资金均通过 MPC 钱包存储在安全的托管解决方案中。 OES 可以安全地利用 CEX 的流动性,而交易则在场外进行结算 价格预测: 现在场外价格好像是0.75u左右一枚,BounceBit的开盘时间是在 2024年05月13日18:00 根据个人经验盲测 BB的上市价格会在0.8$-1$附近 官网: 官推: @bounce_bit 本次币安同样有新币上线新用户的活动。 赶紧转发给你的朋友来撸积分空投,交易量大于100u,三份bb代币等你来领 币安专属拉新福利上新!新用户交易瓜分70,000 BB! 新用户注册并交易100U, 前2000名用户人均20枚BB奖励,2000名以后用户共同瓜分30,000 BB! 活动时间:2024年5月8日 08:00 至 2024年5月12日 07:59(东八区时间) 【交易量大于等于100U】的前2000名新用户,每人可获得20枚BB奖励,额度有限,先到先得;在活动期内有效参与,但注册并【完成100U交易任务】按照时间顺序在2000名之后的用户,将共同瓜分30,000 BB 免翻墙专属注册链接: 邀请码:NPHG6FO0 APK安装包: 注册完成后记得用这个链接报名一下再交易 首次注册币安交易量大于100U+首次合约交易量大于100u+币安web3钱包撸100积分,心动不如行动,转发此文给你的朋友带他一起撸空投

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