If You Lose Money Trading, How Much Do You Need To Gain To Recover For The Loss?

If you lose 10%, you need 11.11% to recover

Lose 20%, and you need 25%

Lose 30%, you will need 42.85%

Lose 40%, you will need 66.66%

And if you lose 50%, you will need 100% gains to break even

And if you lose 60%? You need 150%

Lose 70% and you will need 233%

Lose 80%, you will need 400%

If you lose 90%, you will need 900%. That's 9x just to break even! 🥲

And if you lose 100%? It's game over! You will become broke!

💡Practice risk management to minimize losses. Make stop loss your friend. You won't always win, but you should not lose so much that you are unable to recover.

Having these information in mind might even help you to avoid getting liquidated.