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#Megadrop #比特币减半 $BNB Dear users: Binance has launched a new token issuance platform Megadrop for new and old Web3 users. Users can apply for BNB regular products on the Binance Megadrop platform, and/or complete the project's tasks in the Binance Web3 wallet, and directly interact with selected project parties to obtain airdrop rewards!  The first project to be launched on Binance Megadrop is BounceBit (BB), a BTC re-staking public chain. Project Details Token Name: BounceBit (BB) Maximum Token Supply: 2,100,000,000 BB Initial Circulation: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of the maximum token supply) Total Megadrop: 168,000,000 BB (8% of the maximum token supply) Research Report: BounceBit (BB) (Research Report will be available within one hour of this announcement) Binance will list BB after the completion of Megadrop. The specific listing plan will be announced separately, so please stay tuned. The quota information of this Megadrop and the details of the Web3 task will also be announced at that time. Binance Megadrop Introduction: Binance Megadrop is a new token issuance platform launched by Binance. It aims to provide users with a better airdrop experience by seamlessly connecting the Binance Earn Coin Platform and the Binance Web3 Wallet. Megadrop users will have early experience opportunities before the Megadrop selected Web3 projects are listed on Binance. Combining many advantages such as interaction, education and rewards, Megadrop provides an unparalleled interactive experience for users of the Binance platform and the entire digital currency ecosystem. How to participate in Binance Megadrop: Log in to your Binance account and make sure you have at least one active Binance Web3 wallet. New users can click to register a Binance account and create your first Web3 wallet; Subscribe to BNB regular products and/or complete Web3 tasks to accumulate points: Subscribe to BNB regular products on the EarnCoin platform to accumulate points; Complete all designated Web3 tasks on the Megadrop project page of the Binance App (the page will be provided in the second announcement) to accumulate points and obtain point multipliers; Get Megadrop rewards based on the final points. Megadrop points mechanism: The Megadrop reward for a single qualified user depends on the proportion of the user's final points to the total final points of all qualified users; Points system: Locked BNB points: Users will accumulate points based on the amount of BNB purchased and the length of the subscription period for any BNB regular products purchased on the EarnCoin platform.#

#Megadrop #比特币减半 $BNB Dear users:

Binance has launched a new token issuance platform Megadrop for new and old Web3 users. Users can apply for BNB regular products on the Binance Megadrop platform, and/or complete the project's tasks in the Binance Web3 wallet, and directly interact with selected project parties to obtain airdrop rewards! 

The first project to be launched on Binance Megadrop is BounceBit (BB), a BTC re-staking public chain.

Project Details

Token Name: BounceBit (BB)

Maximum Token Supply: 2,100,000,000 BB

Initial Circulation: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of the maximum token supply)

Total Megadrop: 168,000,000 BB (8% of the maximum token supply)

Research Report: BounceBit (BB) (Research Report will be available within one hour of this announcement)

Binance will list BB after the completion of Megadrop. The specific listing plan will be announced separately, so please stay tuned. The quota information of this Megadrop and the details of the Web3 task will also be announced at that time.

Binance Megadrop Introduction:

Binance Megadrop is a new token issuance platform launched by Binance. It aims to provide users with a better airdrop experience by seamlessly connecting the Binance Earn Coin Platform and the Binance Web3 Wallet. Megadrop users will have early experience opportunities before the Megadrop selected Web3 projects are listed on Binance.

Combining many advantages such as interaction, education and rewards, Megadrop provides an unparalleled interactive experience for users of the Binance platform and the entire digital currency ecosystem.

How to participate in Binance Megadrop:

Log in to your Binance account and make sure you have at least one active Binance Web3 wallet. New users can click to register a Binance account and create your first Web3 wallet;

Subscribe to BNB regular products and/or complete Web3 tasks to accumulate points:

Subscribe to BNB regular products on the EarnCoin platform to accumulate points;

Complete all designated Web3 tasks on the Megadrop project page of the Binance App (the page will be provided in the second announcement) to accumulate points and obtain point multipliers;

Get Megadrop rewards based on the final points.

Megadrop points mechanism:

The Megadrop reward for a single qualified user depends on the proportion of the user's final points to the total final points of all qualified users;

Points system:

Locked BNB points: Users will accumulate points based on the amount of BNB purchased and the length of the subscription period for any BNB regular products purchased on the EarnCoin platform.#

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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#TopCoinsJune2024 #山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高 $BNB $BTC $FIL代币牛市价格预测,看15U-80U,24年11月份到25年8月。 Filecoin(FIL)是一个去中心化的存储和数据检索网络,其代币FIL被用作该网络的加密货币。FIL代币的价格经历了一系列波动。初始阶段,FIL代币曾一度涨至数百美元,然后在接下来的几年中经历了较大的价格波动。 到了2021年,FIL代币的价格再次引起市场关注。 FIL代币未来的发展前景 尽管FIL代币价格波动较大,但从技术和基本面来看,Filecoin生态未来价值无限,Filecoin作为一个去中心化存储和数据检索网络具有巨大的潜力。随着加密货币市场的不断发展和成熟,FIL作为分布式存储市场的一部分,有望在未来扮演更为重要的角色。 其次,Filecoin网络的去中心化特性使得数据存储更加安全可靠。相较于传统的中心化存储方式,Filecoin的去中心化特点能有效降低数据存储和检索的风险,提升数据的安全性和可靠性。 Filecoin是一个旨在"存储人类最为重要信息"的去中心化存储系统,它于2017年通过首次代币发行(ICO)筹集了2.05亿美元。尽管最初计划于2019年中期启动,但由于各种因素,Filecoin主网的启动日期被推迟到148,888个区块,预计在2020年10月中旬正式上线。 Filecoin是一个开源且去中心化的平台,这意味着所有的治理权都掌握在社区的手中。在Filecoin平台上,开发人员可以创建类似Dropbox或iCloud的云文件存储服务。任何人都可以加入Filecoin并开始存储自己的数据,或者通过向他人提供存储空间来赚取代币。Filecoin的创始人选择了他们自己的区块链技术,以其独特的共识机制来运行网络和代币。 FIL是一个挖矿项目,作为币圈老大$BTC 也是挖矿,这样增加啦流动性,它的质押产出,给市场提供了公平挖矿,未来潜力无限。
#bnb历史新高 $BNB 集当前热门标签(DePIN热门项目、元宇宙基础设施、模块化公链、拖拽式生成公链技术、质押型挖矿)于一身的Statter Network,在6月7日迎来了主网上线一周年纪念日,根据原始白皮书的描述,主网币STT每12个月会进行一次减产,每次减少产出25%。主网发布一周年之际,也恰逢STT迎来历史上第一次减产。这不禁令人联想到以比 特币为代表的一众矿币,都陆续在今年迎来了减产。 STT作为DePIN矿币中的重要一员,主网发布一周年叠加减产,会带来什么样的影响,回顾statter过去一年又经历了那些辉煌与挑战? 先来看一组链上数据:statter network全网算力突破50,000 MH/S、累计处理超过1500万笔交易、区块高度达到240万、价值近1亿美元的STT质押在链上、Statter钱包下载量超过60,000次、全网持币地址高达43,000个。这组亮眼的数据表明了在过去一年的时间里,statter的用户数量呈爆发式增长,用户活跃度持续上升,主网正在被行业认可,并扩大采用范围。 减产周期经济学 作为区块链与矿币减产的鼻祖,加密牛熊转换的周期基本是围绕比特币减半来进行的,减半带来的牛市往往会令投资者疯狂不已。现在比特币已经成功完成了减半,一场史诗级的大牛市也正在蓄力当中。 Statter的主网币STT恰巧也赶上了今年矿币减产的周期,STT可能是继比特币以后最为公平的代币分配模型。STT全部由挖矿产出,且每年减产25%,历史上第一次减产就发生在现在,时间大约是6月7日,STT的此次减产对项目整体意义重大,先来看模型: 代币质押模型,质押挖矿的经济模型实现了供给和需求之间的相对平衡,一些产出的STT被新进矿工承接,减少了流通量,并有效维护了主网的安全性和稳定性。

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