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The pie has a maximum profit of more than 800 points, and the ether has a maximum profit of more than 50 points. It is still rising slowly. At this time, can the stable circle of friends be ready to fall into the pocket? After all, such a large space is enough to increase the number of cabins. Of course, friends who want to get more can do so. Set up the capital-guaranteed bamboo shoots and continue reading. At least Lirun has been pocketed. The prerequisite for getting Lirun is that you can see And I have paid attention to Futai, where ideas are announced in advance every day, so you can gain something even if you use them as a reference. ​ There is nothing to say about the market trend. After setting it up, hold it patiently and watch. Those who have not entered the market can wait for the retracement to see if there will be an opportunity to enter the market after the retracement. The pie continues to fluctuate between 63000-62600, so pay attention to around 65000. Ether continues to fluctuate between 3080-3050, so pay attention to 3200. #比特币减半 #etf #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据

The pie has a maximum profit of more than 800 points, and the ether has a maximum profit of more than 50 points. It is still rising slowly. At this time, can the stable circle of friends be ready to fall into the pocket? After all, such a large space is enough to increase the number of cabins. Of course, friends who want to get more can do so. Set up the capital-guaranteed bamboo shoots and continue reading. At least Lirun has been pocketed. The prerequisite for getting Lirun is that you can see And I have paid attention to Futai, where ideas are announced in advance every day, so you can gain something even if you use them as a reference.

There is nothing to say about the market trend. After setting it up, hold it patiently and watch. Those who have not entered the market can wait for the retracement to see if there will be an opportunity to enter the market after the retracement. The pie continues to fluctuate between 63000-62600, so pay attention to around 65000. Ether continues to fluctuate between 3080-3050, so pay attention to 3200. #比特币减半 #etf #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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这几天没有更新,出去旅游了,也算是放松一下紧绷的状态,不过我们的实盘并没有停止布局。近期可以说是无往不利,昨天凌晨的深度跳水都有拿下6000点左右,以太则有350点左右。比价在昨日的跳水之后,快速反弹拉升,日内震荡上涨,后承压小幅回落,我们也是抓住机会,大饼进场参与2次多丹布局,后傍晚在高位进空,2多1空拿下3500点左右的力潤,以太2多1空拿下225点左右,还是比较符合我们的预期,之影的空间也是相当满意了。在今天这个走势中,应该也有不少朋友出现了套丹的情况,朋友们不要着急,富泰这里一直都在,都需要解丹子的朋友可直接滴滴。 ​ ​比价在日线上连续的中阴形成探底,不过在收了下影阴线之后,比价出现阳线反弹,止住了继续下跌的趋势,虽然并没有把跳水的空间完全收复,不过这也算是一个好消息,起码比价没有继续探底,不过这种情况我们前面也说过了,在减半前,肯定会有深度的回调出现,这才符合减半的走势节奏。短周期比价也是形成了反转,不过日内的反弹力度还是过于薄弱了一点,比价也是再次承压回落,从当前的形态来看,比价的回落还有,所以我们的思路还是要以回撤接多为主,承压接倥为辅,届时根据盘中变化做出调整。 ​ ​晚间大饼在63800-63400接多,关注66500附近,以太在3100-3060接哆,关注3250附近。#币圈# #etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据

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