Uniswap v4 has begun to be publicly built. After a brief look, although the innovation is not as novel as v3, there are details that are further releasing greater community potential and giving the community and project parties more room to play.

The main change is that the v4 hook is similar to a customized module, and the creator of the liquidity pool can make various independent innovations.

For example, for oracles, the gas fee of v3's oracles is very high, accounting for about 10%. In v4, major pools can be set up to use oracles, and ordinary pools do not need oracles.

There are also pool handling fees. There are 4 fixed pool handling fee ratios in v3, but v4 can set any handling fee, and it can be dynamic. For example, dynamic handling fees can be set based on market volatility.


In general, whether it is fees or various transaction needs, DEX will gradually catch up with CEX and eventually surpass it. #uni #uniswap