Since yesterday at the Ethfi launch I've been missing out on RSSs but I'm not going to sell it, I'll wait until the end of April, just like many
I went on impulse and inexperience new coins should be purchased after 1 day of launch
But don't be sad if you're in the same situation.
We only learn by making mistakes and again I say the true master is the one who made the most mistakes.
We just can't make the same mistake again, mistakes must be remembered so they don't happen again.
In philosophy they say that we die 3 times in our lives
First for innocence
Second for naivety
Third by his own death
Yesterday, after I entered and observed the drop more and more and my money was decreasing, I ran to research and learned
In short
This 1700% indicated index is an assumption and is only reached by those who bought before the launch at a very low price and everyone can buy before the launch but the operator limits the purchase per person to a maximum of 3 units which is insignificant, in other words it is a dream illusion let's go to trade selling and buying
But for the powerful this rule changes
I like you because we are in the same boat, which is the world we live in