Although such an amount of BTC is purely colossal today,the context of the time is very different.Thus, Bitcoin is traded at this period around $0.003 and $0.004.The value of these BTC is therefore around $40, which is close to the price of two large pizzas.

It has now been 3 days since Laszlo published his offer and no one has yet responded positively.To update his publication,he therefore posts on May21,2020 a new message that might seem ridiculous to us today:

"So no one wants to buy me pizza?Is the amount of bitcoin I propose too low?”

The next day,May 22,2010,he finally posted a message to thank a British user named Jeremy "jercos".In this one, he thanks him for responding to his request and ordering two pizzas forhim at Papa John's restaurant in Jacksonville,Florida,where Laszlo lives.