🛑🛑🛑Pepe and floki urgent urgent very urgent update

👉So guys 2 day ago when there was huge demand to give update about meme coins i told you that in that update guys they are dumping some of them are struggling and told you that they will keep on dumping the only thing which can save them is btc pump

👉I told you that when btc stay above 67k they will start pumping if you are in loss hold it ( proof attached)

👉 Alhumdulilah you can see yesterday morning when btc was not pumped towards 70k it was staying above 67k and at that time pepe and floki started pumping as i said when btc go above 67k they will pump

👉Once again perfect analysis and told you perfect management no loss only profit

🛑Pepe update

so guys pepe goes to 993 now below 900 those who are holding from that point when i told you to buy at 130 400 500 its my advise to book your profit at 1000

those who want to take new entry buy now or wait for 800 and target will be 1000

👉Buy it spot now or at 800 and close position at 1000

🛑Floki update

So guys due to increased btc price it will keep on pumping now there is a pull back towards 2600

👉Buy it now or wait for 2500 in spot close trade at 3000

🛑 Important

my dear followers now everyone of you know me and you yourself accept that you are getting profit from my signal and all of them are perfect none of them gone wrong

👉It means i am completing my work but guys no one of you sended tip on sol post thats quite disappointing and demotivating that you are not sending tips even after getting perfect analysis 😔

👉Hope so you will send tip on this post


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