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Maximum extractable value MEV What is MEV? MEV, or Maximum Extractable Value, refers to the additional benefits that miners or validators can obtain in the blockchain by adjusting the order of transactions, including or excluding certain transactions. Why do MEVs exist? In a blockchain, miners or validators are responsible for packaging transactions into new blocks. Since they have the power to choose which trades are included and in which order, they can use this position to obtain additional benefits, such as through arbitrage. The impact of MEV MEV may cause transactions to be delayed or not included, as miners may prioritize transactions that bring them greater benefit. This can also lead to unfairness and centralization of the network.

Maximum extractable value MEV

What is MEV?

MEV, or Maximum Extractable Value, refers to the additional benefits that miners or validators can obtain in the blockchain by adjusting the order of transactions, including or excluding certain transactions.

Why do MEVs exist?

In a blockchain, miners or validators are responsible for packaging transactions into new blocks. Since they have the power to choose which trades are included and in which order, they can use this position to obtain additional benefits, such as through arbitrage.

The impact of MEV

MEV may cause transactions to be delayed or not included, as miners may prioritize transactions that bring them greater benefit. This can also lead to unfairness and centralization of the network.

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#以太坊 #ETH - Mempool 内存池 以太坊的mempool是一个临时存储区,用于存储所有待处理的交易。当你发起一个交易时,这个交易首先进入mempool,等待矿工将其加入到下一个区块中。矿工会基于交易费用(Gas费用)来选择他们要挖掘的交易,通常来说,费用越高的交易会被优先处理。因此,mempool中的交易可能会根据网络的拥堵程度和交易费用的多少,等待不同的时间才能被处理。 想象一下,以太坊就像一个巨大的计算机,可以处理很多人发送的交易。当你想要发送一个交易时(比如给朋友转账),这个交易就像是一个信封,你把它放进了一个巨大的邮箱(mempool)里。这个邮箱里可能已经有很多其他人的信封了。然后,邮递员(矿工)会来这个邮箱里,拿走一些信封,然后把它们送到目的地。但是,邮递员一次只能拿走一定数量的信封,所以如果邮箱里的信封太多了,你的信封就要等一下下才能被送出去。 mempool的要点: mempool是什么:一个存储待处理交易的区域。 作用:帮助用户查看他们的交易状态,为矿工提供可挖掘的交易。 交易如何进入mempool:当用户发起交易后,交易首先进入mempool。 交易如何从mempool中被挖掘:矿工会选择他们想要挖掘的交易,通常是基于交易费用来选择。 网络拥堵的影响:在网络拥堵时,mempool中的交易可能需要等待更长的时间才能被处理。

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