Crypto blogger Ben Armstrong, also known as “BitBoy Crypto,” ignored a previously scheduled court hearing with his participation in the FTX exchange case and threats to the plaintiffs’ lawyer Adam Moskowitz.

Ben Armstrong did not appear in court to testify about the facts of public abuse of the plaintiffs' lawyer Adam Moskowitz, who is leading the case against the bankrupt exchange FTX. In particular, the court was supposed to consider Moskowitz's civil lawsuit against Armstrong, in which the lawyer reports repeated calls and letters from the crypto blogger with threats of physical harm.

On the day of the trial, Armstrong posted a message on Twitter and a photo of himself on a Bahamian beach. He stated that he did not intend to give any evidence. A little later, Armstrong posted another tweet with a pig and the comments: “I missed the trial, but we still met with Adam and made up.”

I am supposed to be in court today. I’m not. Why? Because I don’t give AF RECKLESSNESS SPONSORED BY

— Ben Armstrong (@Bitboy_Crypto) April 20, 2023

It is possible that in such an extravagant way Armstrong wanted to demonstrate to the public his attitude towards the role of Adam Moskowitz in the FTX case. However, Florida federal judge Melissa Damian did not share Armstrong's shocking sentiments and announced his possible criminal prosecution and forced attendance at the trial.

Judge Damian ruled that if Armstrong did not appear in court by April 24, she would issue a warrant for his arrest.

Earlier, a group of investors filed a class action lawsuit against the owner of the YouTube channel Bitboy Crypto, accusing him of commercially promoting the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX.