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GM! 1. Macro dynamics 1. Market trend: market correction. Inscription Meme is similar to the zoo market, and the market enters the second half with increasing risks. 2. U.S. stocks fluctuated, and Federal Reserve officials said they would not consider cutting interest rates in March next year. 2. Market hot spots 1. The inscription calls back and rotates to the fourth and fifth lines. SATS has transformed into a dragon, with its market value and trading volume exceeding ORDI. Many chains such as ARB, Zksync, TON, and TIA were suspended under the inscription. Solana and avax chains had better user experience during this inscription. The Solana chain’s 24-hour Dex and NFT transaction volume both exceeds ETH. 2.Depin’s WLD, FIL, and MOBILE surged. WLD market makers cannot repurchase after signing a new contract, and will no longer suppress prices in the short term. MOBILE is the phone card sub-coin of Helium. It is currently very popular in the United States as a land promotion platform, with a total market value of US$1 billion (the total market value of the parent currency hnt is US$1.6 billion). 3. Meme’s COQ surged. Solana Eco's BONKBn Movie Meme Hype Emotions. In this round, BONK has increased by 300 times, and CQO has increased by 150 times, which are the largest increases in their respective public chain ecosystems.


1. Macro dynamics

1. Market trend: market correction. Inscription Meme is similar to the zoo market, and the market enters the second half with increasing risks.

2. U.S. stocks fluctuated, and Federal Reserve officials said they would not consider cutting interest rates in March next year.

2. Market hot spots

1. The inscription calls back and rotates to the fourth and fifth lines. SATS has transformed into a dragon, with its market value and trading volume exceeding ORDI. Many chains such as ARB, Zksync, TON, and TIA were suspended under the inscription. Solana and avax chains had better user experience during this inscription. The Solana chain’s 24-hour Dex and NFT transaction volume both exceeds ETH.

2.Depin’s WLD, FIL, and MOBILE surged. WLD market makers cannot repurchase after signing a new contract, and will no longer suppress prices in the short term. MOBILE is the phone card sub-coin of Helium. It is currently very popular in the United States as a land promotion platform, with a total market value of US$1 billion (the total market value of the parent currency hnt is US$1.6 billion).

3. Meme’s COQ surged. Solana Eco's BONKBn Movie Meme Hype Emotions. In this round, BONK has increased by 300 times, and CQO has increased by 150 times, which are the largest increases in their respective public chain ecosystems.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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