The halo of Binance's new coins has long gone. In the past six months, every time a new coin is launched, the leeks are constantly cut, and the leeks are uprooted. This cannot help but remind people of the lawsuit between #SEC and Binance. Many people say that Binance is not doing well. But in recent days, #BTC has continued to soar, and Binance's trading volume has skyrocketed several times. It can be seen that Binance is still the leader of many exchanges, and Binance still has huge funds deposited. When #BTC takes profits, Binance's new coins are still the choice of these huge funds.

Let's talk about the new coin $NTRN . NTRN was launched on the mainnet in May this year and sold tokens on #osmo . The lowest price was 0.089 and the highest price was 0.18. The Binance investment price was about 0.9. The Binance opening price was 0.28, which was about a 3-fold increase. The number of followers of this coin on x was only 29,000, and it was not very popular. It did not bring much popularity after it was launched on Binance. It was criticized by everyone after it broke the issue price, and the trading volume was dismal, and the depth was extremely poor. 10,000 U can increase by 1% to 2%. NTRN may become the worst IEO in history.