CoinVoice has recently learned that according to the official tweet data of MATR1X, MATR1X FIRE has burned 906,112 FIRE again. The current price of FIRE is $0.97, and the burning value is $880,000. The FIRE burned this time comes from in-game consumption behaviors such as character upgrades, character health repairs, and bounty box openings in the Genesis Fire test.
According to statistics, MATR1X has burned a total of 14,352,934 FIRE. In the future, the FIRE consumed in the game will continue to burn, further promoting the deflation of FIRE. According to the "Infinite Game Plan" released earlier by MATR1X FIRE, the platform plans to reduce the total supply of FIRE to 500 million through continuous burning.
Burning records:
According to Web3 asset data platform RootData, Matr1x is a metaverse brand that plans to build the Matr1x brand through self-developed high-quality games or cooperation with third parties, game IP development cooperation, global e-sports events, etc. Matr1x will interpret its game trilogy (Cyber Earth - Mars Immigration - Interstellar Exploration) through three large-scale games with a unified world view: Matr1x FIRE (first-person shooter), Matr1x WAR (shooting + MMORPG) and Matr1x EVOLUTION (SOC). [Original link]