🇹🇭 Thai SEC proposes to allow funds to invest in crypto products! 📈

- Mutual & private funds can invest in crypto ETFs on US exchanges.

- Securities & asset management companies will provide crypto-related products to large investors.

- Investment tokens will be treated like stocks & bonds.

- Separate regulations for digital assets, BTC will have different rules than stablecoins.

- Retail mutual funds are limited to 15% in crypto, but institutional & wealthy investors are not limited.

- SEC will update crypto fund management criteria, including asset custody, valuation, information disclosure & advertising.

- Plan to allow ICO portals to use outsourcing companies to raise token funds.

- Increased penalties for "naked short-selling" & market manipulation.

- Sandbox prepared for 10 companies to test crypto exchange for local currency.

- This could open the door to crypto payments in Thailand, requiring approval from the Central Bank.

Bitkub, Thailand's largest crypto exchange, hits nearly $30 million in daily trading! 🚀

What do you think of this move? Share your thoughts! 💬