#CATS Review Is it right time to buy again ?

After the CATS listing we have seen less growth, but let's not forget the main thing, what was the drop? I don't think all the tap to earn participants were happy with the outcome.

What happened?

1️⃣ #CATS gave a good drop only to those who bought the OG Pass, in other words, donated. Everyone else was given $2.

2️⃣ The listing took place at a rate 4 times lower than the premarket, so it turned out to be not entirely profitable even for OG Pass buyers.

3️⃣ The token stamping is planned only 2 days after the listing. In fact, it turned out that the developers "punished" those who did not help the project with development, i.e. did not bring people through referrals.

What's next?

It's hard to talk about the future of tap games, they are already outliving their usefulness. $NOT was really profitable, well, $DOGS added a few more coins. Everything else is nothing more than a by-product of this movement.

❗️ The best solution you can stay away from all these coins .

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