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[OpenSea responds to the true identity of KOL Sisyphus: former employee, not related to related projects] 😯Recently, there was news that the true identity of KOL Sisyphus was suspected to be Kevin Pawlak, the venture capital director of OpenSea, which aroused attention. In response, an OpenSea spokesperson responded that Kevin Pawlak was a former employee of OpenSea and had left in June 2023. His work scope during his time at the company was limited and he held a non-management position. OpenSea said that they did not know that Kevin Pawlak was involved in the relevant projects and had no connection with the relevant projects. In addition, blockchain detective ZachXBT also questioned NFT Ethics's statement, believing that most of the content of the post seemed to be based on "unrelated events without facts." What do you think of this incident? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area and discuss together! 🗣️

[OpenSea responds to the true identity of KOL Sisyphus: former employee, not related to related projects] 😯Recently, there was news that the true identity of KOL Sisyphus was suspected to be Kevin Pawlak, the venture capital director of OpenSea, which aroused attention. In response, an OpenSea spokesperson responded that Kevin Pawlak was a former employee of OpenSea and had left in June 2023. His work scope during his time at the company was limited and he held a non-management position. OpenSea said that they did not know that Kevin Pawlak was involved in the relevant projects and had no connection with the relevant projects. In addition, blockchain detective ZachXBT also questioned NFT Ethics's statement, believing that most of the content of the post seemed to be based on "unrelated events without facts."

What do you think of this incident? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area and discuss together! 🗣️

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【AI加密市场一日快讯】大家好!今天我们来看看AI加密市场的最新动态。首先,MIND NETWORK正在探讨RESTAKING在AI和POS网络中的应用及未来展望,GM.AI推出了AI交易伙伴和加密原生AI搜索引擎,而BITTENSOR也在面临全球AI网络的扩展与挑战。此外,Solana不仅仅在手机市场发力,还推出了AI智能手表「Showtime」,预购价仅3 SOL,这可是个不错的购物机会哦!😉 在项目合作方面,ALLORA与ZKSYNC合作引入了去中心化AI原语。而在项目融资方面,Animoca Brands宣布成为CARV的战略投资者和节点营运商。 在二级市场上,AI概念代币整体市值为$390.56亿美元,24小时交易量为$12.69亿美元。24小时涨幅最大的是HyperCycle,涨幅达到了27.5%,紧随其后的是Carbon Browser和Spectral,涨幅分别为18.7%和10.6%。而市值前七的AI代币为NEAR,ICP,FET,RNDR,GRT,TAO,AGIX。 在Alpha项目挖掘方面,@PrimeIntellect、@AlloraNetwork、@SkaleNetwork、@aiarena_、@pushprotocol、@real_alethea和@BeSuper_AI都值得大家关注。 在推荐阅读部分,我们为大家精选了关于AI赛道、AO技术原理、AI如何影响搜索和内容、AI模型托管平台遭到未经授权访问以及谷歌AI概览出现错误等主题的文章。 在AI与美股方面,NVIDIA、OpenAI、软银、NASA和IBM等公司都有新的动态。而在美股市场上,AI版块整体市值为$13.957万亿美元,24小时上升0.24%。 以上就是今天的AI加密市场一日快讯,希望对大家有所帮助。如果你对某个项目或者新闻有什么看法,欢迎在评论区留言交流哦!【免责声明】本文内容不构成任何投资建议,在任何情况下,本文作者不对任何人因使用本文中的任何内容而导致的任何可能的损失负任何责任。投资有风险,入市需谨慎。
【快讯】DeFi研究员Chris Powers最近探讨了借贷领域的新趋势——模块化借贷,他认为这种新趋势在应对市场挑战和提供更好服务方面具有巨大潜力。他对比了传统DeFi借贷领导者(如MakerDAO、Aave和Compound)以及一些主要的模块化借贷项目,如Morpho、Euler和Gearbox等,指出模块化借贷在DeFi世界中日益普遍,并强调了其对风险管理和价值流动的积极影响。 模块化借贷的激增趋势正在颠覆DeFi借贷的主流,随着解绑的出现,新的市场结构形成了新的价值流动,那么谁会是最大的受益者呢? 在核心基础层已经发生了一次巨大的解绑,以太坊在执行、结算和数据可用性方面已经采用更为模块化的方法,为区块链的每个核心要素提供了专门的解决方案。DeFi借贷领域也在上演着同样的剧情,新的增长来自一批新项目,它们将借贷协议的核心功能拆分开来。 这种对解绑DeFi借贷的新推动已经成为模块化借贷的meme。我们在Dose of DeFi非常喜欢meme,但也看到新项目(以及它们的投资者)试图更多地炒作市场新议题,而不是因为有潜在的创新(看看DeFi 2.0)。 我们的看法是:炒作并非虚构。DeFi借贷将经历与核心技术层相似的变革——就像以太坊一样,新的模块化协议涌现,如Celestia,而现有的龙头企业则调整了路线图,变得更加模块化。 你对模块化借贷有什么看法呢?欢迎在评论区留言讨论。😊

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