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As of the time of writing, the BTC point is: 27900, and the market is still operating in a volatile range. Due to the U.S. stock market closing for two days on the weekend, there is a fluctuation of 200 points, and there is no suitable opportunity to enter the market. We mostly choose to wait and see with short positions, and the overall trend is not too much. There are signs of change, and the market has been fluctuating around 28,000. Judging from the four-hour technical structure, Bollinger is in a closing state, and the currency price is also fluctuating above the middle rail. Although the virtual needle pierced the middle rail several times, it has not been effectively continued. The KDJ three lines formed a golden cross and diverged upward. MACD's short-term energy volume is gradually weakening. Judging from the market, the overall downward trend is not large. Focus on the upper pressure of 28,300, and the lower support at the integer mark of 27,000. In terms of operations, as I said before, the long holiday is over. The stock market opens today on Monday. We must pay close attention to whether there is an inflow of funds into the crypto market. If so, we must change the long direction in the short term. Just wait a moment and don't rush. #BTC $BTC #美联储是否加息?

As of the time of writing, the BTC point is: 27900, and the market is still operating in a volatile range. Due to the U.S. stock market closing for two days on the weekend, there is a fluctuation of 200 points, and there is no suitable opportunity to enter the market. We mostly choose to wait and see with short positions, and the overall trend is not too much. There are signs of change, and the market has been fluctuating around 28,000. Judging from the four-hour technical structure, Bollinger is in a closing state, and the currency price is also fluctuating above the middle rail. Although the virtual needle pierced the middle rail several times, it has not been effectively continued. The KDJ three lines formed a golden cross and diverged upward. MACD's short-term energy volume is gradually weakening. Judging from the market, the overall downward trend is not large. Focus on the upper pressure of 28,300, and the lower support at the integer mark of 27,000. In terms of operations, as I said before, the long holiday is over. The stock market opens today on Monday. We must pay close attention to whether there is an inflow of funds into the crypto market. If so, we must change the long direction in the short term. Just wait a moment and don't rush.

#BTC $BTC #美联储是否加息?

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4/17日  比特币大盘解析:#大盘走势 $BTC $ETH $FIL BTC数据面:昨日(4月16日)市场对比特币现货ETF的兴趣减弱,净流入流出数据显示为-1321.92枚BTC,折合金额约为-8380万美元。这一显著的资金撤离现象,无疑传递出市场抛售的明确信号。 BTC技术面:昨日日线图上,比特币呈现一根锤子线形态,这暗示着短期市场情绪的紧张。目前,价格仍受60日均线的压制,整体走势呈现出破位形态。尽管市场正经历超跌反弹的修复过程,日间或呈现震荡上行态势,但短期内反弹可能仅为假突破,后市仍有继续下行的风险。基于技术分析,个人预计市场需要大约一个月的时间来完成下跌并可能再创新低。本轮底部的可能位置在56000附近或更低的51500附近。短期内,65600和67200将是重要的阻力位。 新人长线BTC分批挂单策略:对于新入市的交易者,建议在以下区间分批挂单:60000-61000、55800-56100以及51500-51700。这些区间均为较为安全的上车点位。 山寨币市场动态:随着众多山寨币跌幅已相当显著,大部分已下跌50%-80%区间,未来若比特币再次补跌,山寨币的跌幅或相对有限。市场可能将再次触及4月14日的低点附近并止跌。因此,大家无需过度恐慌,牛市中的暴跌是正常现象,我们应保持耐心,等待市场企稳。 ETH数据面:截至4月17日08:00,ETH钱包余额达到12,142,943.13枚,较之前24小时增加了11236.44枚。这一增加的趋势,可能意味着部分交易者正在抛售ETH。 ETH技术面:ETH的走势与比特币高度联动。由于两者均为加密货币市场的核心标的,其价格变动往往相互影响。因此,大家在关注ETH时,也需密切关注比特币的市场动态。 新人长线ETH分批挂单策略:对于有意投入ETH的新手,个人建议在以下区间分批挂单:3060-3070、2840-2860。这些区间为较为安全的买入位置,有助于降低风险。
#大盘走势 $OMNI $BTC 半小时后,OMNI就要上市了。最近,BNB在FDUSD挖矿中表现比FDUSD好,价格也有所回调,可能吸引一些用户去买BNB。 根据四天的挖矿数据,BNB挖矿很稳定,每小时能挖到0.0017枚OMNI,而同样数量的FDUSD只能挖到0.00095枚OMNI,所以BNB的收益率比FDUSD高出了44%。但是,如果挖矿当天把BNB卖了换成FDUSD来挖矿,可能会多赚10%。 市场情况好的话,BNB的价格可能还会涨,但怎么选还是大家自己看着办。 对于价格,以前预估的可能有点低。虽然理论上应该提高预估,但现在市场情绪不太好,BTC价格也在63,000美元左右晃,大家可能都不太敢多买ALT,怕再亏钱。所以,这次还是保守点好。 记得前两次BNB挖矿都有1.5%左右的收益,这次我们先看1%吧。按这个算,OMNI的价格可能是33.42美元,FDUSD就只有0.56%的收益了。如果FDUSD不是长期拿着,还是从USDT高价买来的,那可能只能赚一点点。 我猜这次OMNI开盘价可能在30到35美元之间。如果运气好的话,收益能到1.5%,那可能就能卖到近45美元了。不过,2%的收益我就不太敢想了。 还有个小提醒,FDUSD的交易没USDT那么活跃,所以开盘时FDUSD的价格可能会更高。同时,要看看OMNIUSDT和OMNIBNB的价格差,有时候直接卖了换成BNB,再换回USDT或者直接拿着BNB,可能会更划算。 因为新币开盘会有散户抛压,企稳后适合进场我会发到:→《牛市先锋核心队》
#大盘走势 $BTC $ETH 比特币价格再现大幅波动📉,跌破日线及月线关键支撑位。 🌙昨晚数据一公布,美股应声下跌,比特币也随之开启了新一轮的下跌反弹走势。目前,比特币价格已跌破1小时、4小时以及日线布林带,但暂时还没有出现明确的止跌迹象。 🔍在当前市场环境下,我们特别关注61,200附近的支撑位。这个支撑位不仅在我们的分析中多次提及,还是基于斐波那契序列的黄金分割点,技术支撑价值极高。但🤔,我们也要警惕,这次下跌是否主要受到市场情绪的影响,这对支撑位的有效性至关重要。 📈此外,该支撑位还是M顶形态的关键位置。如果比特币价格有效跌破这一位置,M顶形态将被确认,价格继续下跌的可能性将进一步加大。但请注意,这一判断是基于市场自然走势的,对于昨晚的数据影响及地缘因素等外部干扰,我们暂时不考虑。 💹在短期反弹方面,65,000和68,200是两个重要的阻力位。我们可以密切关注这两个位置的突破情况,以此为依据来判断短期行情走势。 📊目前,RSI相对强度指数已跌破30,现处于27的低位,显示出超跌反弹的潜在情绪。鉴于近期比特币的下跌主要受市场情绪影响,RSI触发超跌反弹情绪,这有望为61,200支撑位的反弹提供有力支持。 加密市场经历了412暴跌,山寨普遍回调50%-80%,很多粉丝资产减半,木兰也是深感悲痛与惋惜,接下来我准备了一些适合抄底的币种,输出在:→点击领取回本计划 记住,迷路了就来寻路!

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