This Web 3 project, with more than a million users, is facing scrutiny after many users reported losing assets. Galxe is committed to addressing security to maintain trust in the Web 3 community.

In a recent announcement, Galxe confirmed the temporary closure of the website due to ongoing security issues. Users have been advised not to connect cryptocurrency wallets to the platform until the issue is resolved. The site's closure comes after a series of reports from users worried about losing assets during their interactions with Galxe. The alleged security breach involves the authorization and signature process of cryptocurrency wallets on the Web3 identity data network. Some users are concerned that the #Galxe hacking incident could affect their assets.

Galxe, with more than one million users, attracted special interest in creating #NFT and establishing cooperation during the bear market. This situation prompted the Galxe team to take quick measures.

While the specific scale of the security breach remains unclear, Galxe's commitment to addressing this issue shows its dedication to protecting user assets and maintaining its reputation as a platform. trusted platform in the Web 3 ecosystem. As the investigation progresses, users are advised to exercise caution and avoid interacting with the platform until concerns regarding the Galxe hack are carefully resolved and destroy.