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鸣哥 JCT225
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If you meet at least 5 of the following conditions, it means you are alive and well. How many have you achieved? 1. Currency speculation, stocks, funds, etc. are almost all "scams" for ordinary people. The icing on the cake of wealth is okay, but expecting to accumulate wealth through this is just a dream! You can only be the second curve of life and slowly become rich. 2. Please keep a distance from people of the opposite sex other than your spouse! See through everything without speaking out, learn to think independently, and don't trust anyone easily, especially things online. 3. If your mobile phone is not broken and can be used, don’t replace it. As long as your clothes and shoes can be worn, the brand doesn’t matter. 4. Only eat fruits that are in season, stop smoking and drinking, or control your diet appropriately to maintain your body weight. 5. Reduce ineffective social interactions, do not travel far during holidays, and lie at home reading, writing, or watching your favorite TV series. 6. Play less cards, don’t stay up late, and exercise. 7. Don’t argue with others. Communicate more with people who are better than you. Even if you don’t understand, try to feel it. 8. Time will not add any competitiveness to you. What changes your life is yourself, not your age. 9. Don’t make ineffective efforts and work that cannot increase added value. It is better to do nothing and take good care of your body. 10. Don’t worry about money. Some things should be accepted as fate. Don’t force it. It is destined in seven minutes. I am Brother Ming. I have been in the trading market for more than ten years. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Choice is greater than effort, the circle determines destiny!

If you meet at least 5 of the following conditions, it means you are alive and well. How many have you achieved?

1. Currency speculation, stocks, funds, etc. are almost all "scams" for ordinary people. The icing on the cake of wealth is okay, but expecting to accumulate wealth through this is just a dream! You can only be the second curve of life and slowly become rich.

2. Please keep a distance from people of the opposite sex other than your spouse! See through everything without speaking out, learn to think independently, and don't trust anyone easily, especially things online.

3. If your mobile phone is not broken and can be used, don’t replace it. As long as your clothes and shoes can be worn, the brand doesn’t matter.

4. Only eat fruits that are in season, stop smoking and drinking, or control your diet appropriately to maintain your body weight.

5. Reduce ineffective social interactions, do not travel far during holidays, and lie at home reading, writing, or watching your favorite TV series.

6. Play less cards, don’t stay up late, and exercise.

7. Don’t argue with others. Communicate more with people who are better than you. Even if you don’t understand, try to feel it.

8. Time will not add any competitiveness to you. What changes your life is yourself, not your age.

9. Don’t make ineffective efforts and work that cannot increase added value. It is better to do nothing and take good care of your body.

10. Don’t worry about money. Some things should be accepted as fate. Don’t force it. It is destined in seven minutes.

I am Brother Ming. I have been in the trading market for more than ten years. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Choice is greater than effort, the circle determines destiny!

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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