Binance Square
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🧑‍🎤The beginning of October is not bad, and the market expectations are basically consistent with the previous live broadcasts and the several points highlighted in daily life. Reminder from last night‼ ️The probability of breakthrough is high, and there are short sellers. I got up late today, and it has already reached the pressure of 28,500 that I mentioned. ~Repeated reminders of the Cancun copycat season and blue-chip performances, Cancun has just begun to not be in place, including the publicly stated pepe and LRC have not yet reached the target, you can continue to hold it, but I may notify the internal group at any time, or You have to take charge of it yourself 🎃rdnt I also said it on the right side a few days ago, both the left and right sides made money, OP is also tough today, the target is a 2 There will be another live broadcast tomorrow night. Remember to make an appointment later⏰. I will try to broadcast it to you every Tuesday, but I still invite my good friend Mr. Xiao Ou. I am not a pure chart person. I am not that good at lines and grids. This is a professional thing. Find a professional to do it.

🧑‍🎤The beginning of October is not bad, and the market expectations are basically consistent with the previous live broadcasts and the several points highlighted in daily life.

Reminder from last night‼ ️The probability of breakthrough is high, and there are short sellers. I got up late today, and it has already reached the pressure of 28,500 that I mentioned.

~Repeated reminders of the Cancun copycat season and blue-chip performances, Cancun has just begun to not be in place, including the publicly stated pepe and LRC have not yet reached the target, you can continue to hold it, but I may notify the internal group at any time, or You have to take charge of it yourself

🎃rdnt I also said it on the right side a few days ago, both the left and right sides made money, OP is also tough today, the target is a 2

There will be another live broadcast tomorrow night. Remember to make an appointment later⏰. I will try to broadcast it to you every Tuesday, but I still invite my good friend Mr. Xiao Ou. I am not a pure chart person. I am not that good at lines and grids. This is a professional thing. Find a professional to do it.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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“重要的不是数字,而是这里头的想法。” 包含所有可量化的一切@heyibinance 我自身经历算是何一姐姐的缩小版 虽然不是站在舞台中央的人 不是一定优于他人,也优于过去的自己了 从满满的欲望野心也到从从容平静 我认为也算是一个奇迹小人物吧,故事有点冗长,未来有机会再来叙述 今天主要想说何姐姐,当年有幸被她当作客户服务过,短短几年,见证着她的传奇 虽然天赋不能选择,机会什么时候降临不能选择,其他一切都是选择的结果 何一姐,其实总结一下就是在面对时代的大机遇面前,敢于重新开始选择,遇到贵人,然后义无反顾的投身到事业里,玩了命的奋斗 在无数次选择中,她做对了其中的大多数 再回望,轻舟已过万重山 从来没有人是生来就可以 也许历经千帆磨难,你得不到自己想要的 但是你不经历并走到最后,肯定得不到 最可怕的不是做了不好的选择,而是不选择。把时间和能量都浪费在纠结、煎熬、冲突和逃避中 一个人的成功,是综合的体现 能力,魅力,机遇,性格,人品,智商等等等等 其中大部分东西都是可控的 比如你选择把自己收拾的干净利落,你就得到了印象分和魅力 你选择每天背单词,练口语,你就得到了语言的能力 做好每一个人生的小选择,默默积蓄实力 当机遇来临时,成功就会来的顺理成章 不过有些机会,它不需要你立马就可以 是你不会,也要硬着头皮上 然后通过自虐式学习,以最快的速度成长到你可以 我只希望,等到未来以后 回望自己的曾经 我会说,哇,我努力过了,我赢了自己✌️

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