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Rumor has it, according to reports. When Worldcoin (WLD) was launched in July, it lent a total of 100 million WLD to 5 market makers for liquidity provision. It is stipulated that at the end of the 3-month period, the market makers need to return the coins or buy them at a price of $2~$3.12. It is less than a month away from the end of the 3-month period (10/22). #WLD

Rumor has it, according to reports.

When Worldcoin (WLD) was launched in July, it lent a total of 100 million WLD to 5 market makers for liquidity provision.

It is stipulated that at the end of the 3-month period, the market makers need to return the coins or buy them at a price of $2~$3.12.

It is less than a month away from the end of the 3-month period (10/22).


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没钱(穷)是种怎样的体验? 我只说男人。 如果一个男人原生家庭很穷,父辈也没留下房产,没有资源,没有钱,那么当他上了一天班,下班想回家休息会儿,打会儿游戏时。 爹妈会认为养了个不成器的儿子,败家子,不务正业,只知道打游戏。老婆会说他是个无能的窝囊废,没有责任感,后悔嫁给了他。 相反,如果一个男人是富二代,平时不上班,天天打游戏,就是偶尔出去收收租,应酬应酬,女人也会感觉他是个值得依靠的男人,有责任心,还懂生活,会顾家,很踏实,很成熟,值得托付终身。 一个男人会赚钱,手底下养了几十个员工,那么他天天邋遢,不修边幅,天天穿花裤衩,打游戏,女人也会觉得男人有一颗童心,很单纯,太难得了,抓住了就不放手。 相反,如果一个男人挣钱不多,但是对女朋友很贴心,一下班就干家务活,倒垃圾,扫地,擦桌...女朋友哪里不舒服了,就时时刻刻陪伴在身边,给女友买药买卫生巾。结果是,女友根本瞧不上你的所谓“体贴”,只会觉得你是个赚不到钱的窝囊废。 当一个男人会赚钱,他所有的缺点都会被赚钱掩盖,当一个男人挣不到钱,他的优点也是一种罪。 赚不到钱的男人,别说人了,连你家的狗看到你,眼睛里都是鄙视的光。 有几个天天给你发干货的,除了我。要么就是发一些道的层面的东西。小白听了没屌用。该不会还是不会,小白就要多研究术,口袋里就三瓜两枣,一天到晚商业思维个屁啊。 #AirdropGuide #CRV #币安用户数突破2亿 #TopCoinsJune2024 #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $ETH $BNB

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