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At present, it feels that the market may rise, but the previous macro prediction was for a decline. However, this is not a contradiction, because the market can completely rise first and then fall to digest the good and bad factors. The short market seems to be no longer active recently, and many currencies have changed from sharp declines to gradual increases. Market sentiment has changed, and it is recommended not to short short easily, because after several months of sharp decline, the market has begun to rebound and short squeeze. In addition, the prices of many currencies have fallen to all-time lows, and there is not much room for decline no matter how low they are. Moreover, the lower the currency price, the lower the cost for new bookmakers to enter the market and control the market. In such a market, if you want to survive, you need to quickly switch from bullish to bearish thinking, otherwise you will be easily exploited.

At present, it feels that the market may rise, but the previous macro prediction was for a decline. However, this is not a contradiction, because the market can completely rise first and then fall to digest the good and bad factors.

The short market seems to be no longer active recently, and many currencies have changed from sharp declines to gradual increases. Market sentiment has changed, and it is recommended not to short short easily, because after several months of sharp decline, the market has begun to rebound and short squeeze. In addition, the prices of many currencies have fallen to all-time lows, and there is not much room for decline no matter how low they are. Moreover, the lower the currency price, the lower the cost for new bookmakers to enter the market and control the market. In such a market, if you want to survive, you need to quickly switch from bullish to bearish thinking, otherwise you will be easily exploited.

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#内容挖矿#CHZ 今日的数据简直差到无以复加的程度。 那到底有多差呢?上一次看到不足 2 万枚#BTC 在链上换手,还是 2022 年第四季度的时候,彼时的 BTC 价格尚不到 2 万美元,可如今价格已然涨了 3 倍多,然而流动性却几乎毫无变化,而且周日的数据更是在彻底摒弃做市商之后,几乎是最为真实的真实持仓用户的换手状况。 这也正是我们一直所说的,有钱的不想买入,有币的不想卖出,最近两天 BTC 价格的波动实则也在向我们表明,我几乎每隔几个小时就能看到新闻通报 BTC 的价格跌破 68000 美元,再过几个小时又会是 BTC 的价格突破 68000 美元,这便是当前投资者最为真实的状态呈现。 没什么可多言的了,周一或许是周内相对较为安静的一天,从周二开始就会展开对失业率的博弈,周二、周三、周四、周五这四个工作日每天都有与就业相关的数据,一步步都指向周五的就业、工资以及失业率。 而后再下一周便是美联储六月的议息会议了,实际上六月我个人认为并不会有什么新奇之处,无论数据如何,维持利率不变都有极大的可能性,关键就在于要看七月和八月美国的经济是否会出现问题,若不出现问题顺利过渡到九月进入大选前期,应该就不会太糟糕了。 交易所的 BTC 存量在周日的变化并不显著,仅仅稍微增加了几十枚而已,问题不大,重点还是要看周一美股开盘后的数据,周二的劳动空缺将打响第一枪。 #BTC #ETH
#内容挖矿#CHZ 核心 PCE 的数据实则是符合预期的,尽管并未带来全新的降息预期,然而市场本身的预估便是如此,故而理应不会出现太大的看空趋向,当下主要的问题依然聚焦于流动性方面,美联储的态度实际上众人皆心知肚明。 为何我会如此论断呢?原因在于从最近 24 小时的数据来观察,BTC在链上的换手持续降低,今日正值周五,可链上的换手却处于周内最低水平,虽说周末前往往资金处于一周最低状态,但如此低的换手着实罕见。 这也表明了唯有当 BTC 的价格处于 70000 美元左右时,换手才稍显多些,这种稍多也仅仅是相较于去年同期略多而已,与第一季度相较仍是天壤之别,而在降至 70000 美元以下时,价格越低 BTC 的转移就越少,这就意味着低价格着实难以让投资者离场。 更进一步来讲,我们当前一直当作重点参考的 65000 美元附近的支撑毫无变化,尽管存在少许换手,但是这个 64000 美元至 69000 美元区间的存量 BTC 不但没有减少,反倒还在持续增加,这也证实了我们上述的判断是正确的。 尽管依旧有少量投资者在进行短期交易,但更多买入 BTC 的投资者逐渐远离了换手,特别是在价格下行区间,愿意参与换手的投资者更是少之又少。 交易所的 BTC 存量数据同样阐明了此问题,尽管今日价格出现下跌,然而交易所内的存量 BTC 再度刷新了近六年的最低存量,这表明还是有投资者看好当前价格在抄底,并且抄底的 BTC 已然离开了交易所。 明日又是周末,凌晨四点之后就会再度进入流动性近乎枯竭的时段,在此时间段内 BTC 和ETH的振幅或许会更大一些,周一越靠近美股开盘可能流动性会更好一些,下周二开始便是博弈非农数据之时了,周五便可见分晓。 #BTC #ETH

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