How to Become THE Master mind OF CRYPTO (Part1)

Masterminds are super powers in crypto

(and you're at a disadvantage if you're not in any).

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating your own:

What's a Mastermind?

It's a group of people who give each other advice and support around a specific topic.

I think of forming a mastermind like picking people to join my Avengers.

You're turning Crypto from a single-player game to a team-based game.

Crypto's too big for any single person to stay on top of everything. 

And we all have biases.

Having a mastermind means it's easier to spot flaws in your thinking and investment ideas. 

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together" - African Proverb

Some Benefits I've Gotten from Masterminds:

• Introductions

• Alpha on projects

• Access to seed rounds

• Potential project partners

• Hearing different viewpoints 

Masterminds have an asymmetrical upside

🔸Getting Invited to Private Masterminds

Be active on Twitter or Discord. hopefully soon binance will create features where we can create privet group for discussions.

1. Share interesting insights

2. Put yourself out there. How else are people going to find you? 

🔸This is one of the best parts of building audience.

•Forming Your Own Mastermind

•I'm not a fan of waiting around.

Take control of your destiny and start your own mastermind. 

It's easier than you think, and you have control over the quality and the people involved. 

Here's how you do it….

🔸Step 1: Keep it Focused.

A "Crypto" mastermind is too broad - keep it focused. 

• Defi Plays

• Small Cap Gems

• The Stablecoin Crew

• The Binance Bagholder Super cew

🔸Think about the topic you want to talk about, and what outcomes you want to achieve.

because of the limited number of characters each post can contain, I have broken this article into 3 this is part 1 check out part 2 and 3 thanks don't forget to like and share if you finds value with this.⬇️