Evernode, a Layer 2 network that aims to bring smart contracts via Hooks to XRP Ledger, has announced the first and initial details of its airdrop to XRP holders.
Earlier in the year, Evernode announced its plans geared toward its launch. In advancing toward this goal, the relaunch of the Evernode beta on the Hooks V3 testnet was announced in April.
With a due sense of dread, we announce...
XRPL Snapshot date: Friday 1 September at 6.00pm AEST
Read the following 5 posts for details... 1/6— Evernode🪝 (@EvernodeXRPL) August 11, 2023
As reported, Evernode shared an update hinting that an audit of the Hooks V3 testnet could commence in mid-August.
Now that it seems as though its plans for launch are taking shape, Evernode has provided the initial details of its airdrop to XRP holders.
According to the Evernode whitepaper, an airdrop to XRP holders is planned following the protocol's launch, with a significant quantity of Evers, the protocol's proposed native currency, designated for this purpose.
In a new tweet, Evernode gives the date of the XRPL snapshot as Friday, Sept. 1, at 6:00 p.m. AEST.
Explaining the reason for opting for an earlier snapshot before its launch, Evernode stated that due to its launch on the Hooks sidechain, which will have a burn2mint, it will need to snapshot the XRP Ledger before the Hooks sidechain goes live.
Here's how to claim
Evernode indicated that it intends to airdrop 5,160,960 Evers to eligible XRP holders.
The airdrop will take place in two steps: first, a snapshot of XRP holdings on the mainnet will be taken on Sept. 1 at 6:00 p.m. AEST, followed by an airdrop to eligible accounts on the Hooks sidechain based on their owners' XRP holdings on the mainnet.
To claim any airdrop, XRP owners must hold their XRP directly on-chain rather than through an exchange. This is due to the possibility of having to clone their account on Hooks sidechain to claim airdrops.
XRPL Layer 2 states that the airdrop is a gift to XRP holders; thus, it reserves the right to decide on the quantity of Evers to be airdropped to individual holders and how the airdrop is distributed.