1/🔐 Have you ever wondered how to revoke #token approvals from etherscan or blockscans from different Ethereum Virtual Machines (EVMs)? No worries, I've got you covered in this #Thread. Grab a ☕️ and let's dive in!

2/🤔 But first, what are token approvals? When you interact with a #DeFi app or a smart contract, you give them permission to spend your #ERC20 tokens. This is called "token approval" and can be a potential security risk if the contract is malicious or has bugs.

3/🛡️ It's essential to regularly check your token approvals and revoke unnecessary permissions to minimize your exposure to such risks. Now let's learn how to do that with #Etherscan (for Ethereum) and other blockscans for different EVMs.

4/🔍 For Ethereum, head over to etherscan.io and input your wallet address in the search bar. Click on the "ERC20 Token Txns" tab to see your transactions. Look for "Approve" transactions to find out which contracts have your token approvals.

5/📝 Note down the contract addresses with token approvals that you want to revoke. You'll need this information later when interacting with the smart contract to revoke permissions.

6/🧰 Now, let's use the "Write Contract" feature in Etherscan to revoke these approvals. Go to the specific token's contract address page (e.g., DAI, USDC) and click on the "Write Contract" tab.

7/🔓 Click on "Connect to Web3" to connect your wallet (e.g., MetaMask). Scroll down to the "approve" function, and input the contract address you noted earlier in "_spender." Set the "_value" to 0 to revoke approval, then click "Write."

8/🔧 To revoke token approvals on other EVMs, follow similar steps using their respective blockscans (e.g., BscScan for Binance Smart Chain, xDai BlockScout for xDai). Make sure you're connected to the right network on your wallet before proceeding.

9/🌐 For a more straightforward approach to checking and revoking token approvals across different EVMs, you can utilize the "Token Approvals" feature available in various blockscans. Here's how:

10/🔎 In each blockscan, find the "More🔽" menu and click on "Token Approvals."

You can also directly access this feature using these links:

- Ethereum: https://etherscan.io/tokenapprovalchecker

- Binance Smart Chain: https://bscscan.com/tokenapprovalchecker

- Polygon: https://polygonscan.com/tokenapprovalchecker

- Arbitrum: https://arbiscan.io/tokenapprovalchecker

11/🔌 Connect your wallet and review the list of token approvals granted to different contracts. Whenever you find an unnecessary or suspicious approval, follow the previously explained steps (4-8) to revoke it.

12/🔁 Remember, regularly monitoring and managing your token approvals is crucial to maintaining the security of your digital assets.

Stay vigilant and proactive in protecting your investments!

#blockchain #cryptocurrency #security #EVM #blockscan #tokenapprovals