According to Foresight News: China's first green bond settled in digital yuan, '23 Xi Industrial GN010,' has been issued in the interbank bond market, with Ningbo Bank as the lead underwriter. The issuer of the bond is Wuxi Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd., with an issuance scale of 100 million yuan and a term of 2 years. The funds raised will be used to repay bank loans generated by the expansion of subsidiary photovoltaic projects, specifically: Wuxi Ruituo Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd.'s 'Wuxi Ruituo Photovoltaic Annual Production 1.4GW High-efficiency Solar Cell Expansion Project' and 'Wuxi Ruituo Photovoltaic Annual Production 1GW High-efficiency Component New Construction Project.' A Ningbo Bank official said, 'The bond issuance has a coupon rate of 2.6%, setting a new low for the same term bonds in the province since the beginning of this year.'