"Life is pain, trading is pure deception, the exchange ruins everyone! AAA!" These were the thoughts running through my mind when I first started trading. On top of that, I encountered scammers who reinforced my beliefs, claiming that if their strategy didn't work, it was because the market was manipulated and such things happen frequently.
This went on for some time. I would deposit $100, lose it all, and then blame the exchange and the market maker for everything. Just like in life: everyone else was at fault except me. But the first thing I did when I was on the verge of despair and returning to a regular job was to analyze my trades. And how stunned I was when I looked at my trading history! It was like the actions of an impulsive, disobedient child.
Every trade was a challenge to whom, do you think? The EXCHANGE and the MARKET MAKER. Everything was done in defiance. Not only was I trying to beat giants with a $100 deposit, but I was also taking on so much risk that it just took the market sneezing to wash me away with a wave of liquidations or stops.
After sitting and thinking a bit, I decided that I needed to start with some kind of strategy. I began with risk management. Things got better, but it was still far from consistently being in the black. Then I isolated myself from everyone, read a lot of literature on trading, investments, and market makers. I was constantly in the market, in trades, and gradually developed a strategy that started bringing me profits. I noted what worked well for the strategy and what didn’t.
In the end, after completing my self-education, I incorporated 27 parameters into my system, which my team of programmers and I later integrated into my product, which is now presented on the chart. With this product, you can trade profitably without spending time and effort on training, and most importantly, you can gradually train yourself to use the market to your advantage.