There is a coin name #Sats2 on #MEXC exchange That is about to explode 100x is way to easy to get from that Token . How much to invest ? that will be your Question right ! i will suggest you don't invest more then 1% of your portfolio if your total inves is 500$. in short invest only 5 to 10$ that will be nothing but you will get good return. #DYOR
Bonk is just Disappointing it's holders By staying at its 0.000011 to 0.0000125 range But be happy it is about to move to 0.00002 in next month Don't miss the opportunity $BONK
GMT is about to blow up If you missed ordi ,mav, manta, AVAX, etc don't miss GMT for the next few days It will hit 0.37$ and maybe above in next few days so don't miss it ❤️. $GMT
Bonk Will start pumping Starting Tomorrow An axpected Surge of arround 15 to 20% We might see him going upto 0.00002 in upcoming days It will happen beffor you know it so Insted of catching green candles start picking the bottoms .. $BONK
I can See bonk Going down to the value of 0.000007 after that it will rise back to 0.000013 almost 100% back up so you can Wait for the entry or you can can buy it on any value in between It is up to you. You will get Profit in return . Stay Safe everybody . #DYOR $BONK
As i told you Guys About GMT token already When it was around 0.22 that it is going to pump big .If we will be lucky we may see it in it's prime again As it has been accumulating from so many days #DYOR $GMT
As Far i can see GMT is ready to Go up again And this time it will be big . Just like previous prediction of GMT this one will work Great 👍 #DYOR it is not a Financial advise$GMT
Gmt is gonna touch 0.25 cents this month NMW so You can trade Spot Free of care but you need to take entry in Future with care because GMT is gonna Show quick movement soon . Just like my previous GMT signals This one will also work Fine$GMT
On 23rd October i told you guys to take entry in GMT now it is almost 35% up from that point . IDK why people have forgotten what GMT can do . $GMT . I Don't think GMT is gonna Show bearish momentum For some Weeks . Keep an eye on GMT if you want to take profit From Some known Coin
Blockchain is a method of recording information that makes it impossible or difficult for the system to be changed, hacked, or manipulated. A blockchain is a distributed ledger that duplicates and distributes transactions across the network of computers participating in the blockchain.
Blockchain technology is a structure that stores transactional records, also known as the block, of the public in several databases, known as the “chain,” in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. Typically, this storage is referred to as a ‘digital ledger.’
Every transaction in this ledger is authorized by the digital signature of the owner, which authenticates the transaction and safeguards it from tampering. Hence, the information the digital ledger contains is highly secure.