When the chart just hits your target to the exact dollar and recovers. This is what u call Precision. I will be droping he next big call. just follow and comment below.
TP 1 has been achived congratulations for those who took the trade withme #trading #futures #bitcoin . i have closed half and waiting for Tp2 with half postion follow for more trades like this.
TP 1 has been achived congratulations for those who took the trade withme #trading #futures #bitcoin . i have closed half and waiting for Tp2 with half postion follow for more trades like this.
Winning Mindset: traders need to follow core principles: 1) Trade without fear or overconfidence. 2) Trade with an edge (a proven advantage over other traders) 3) Trade in terms of probabilities(not certainties). 4) Trade with Discipline (following a set of rules and routines).