Navigating the Crypto Maze: The Art of Selling 💰🤔

Venturing into the crypto world poses one consistent challenge - knowing when to sell. Here's a thought-provoking scenario.

Let's say you bought $ORDI at 1U per token, snapping up a cool million because it was Bitcoin's first MEME coin with a tantalizingly low market cap. Fast forward, and the token value rockets to 29U, ballooning your portfolio to 30 million. Sounds like a party, right?

Here's the twist - would you buy a 29U token with a 30 million investment? Likely not, and that's your cue to sell.

In the euphoria of a crypto bull market, it's easy to get swept up in visions of an 'eternal bull' run. Even industry giants like Three Arrows, DK, and SBF can get swept up in this optimistic tide. The key, however, is knowing when to step back.