According to PANews, a trader has reportedly made a profit of $1.49 million in just two days by trading MEMEcoin, as monitored by Lookonchain. The trader conducted seven transactions with MEMEcoins on March 16 and 17, all of which were profitable, yielding a total profit of 8,282.8 SOL ($1.49 million).

Initially, the trader was not adept at trading MEMEcoin, with six out of the first ten coins resulting in losses, giving a success rate of only 40%. The trader was cautious, never investing more than 80 SOL in a token. However, after two weeks of trading, the trader seemed to have mastered the method, starting to invest more than 500 SOL, and even over 1,000 SOL.

So far, the trader has transacted with 35 tokens, 25 of which have been profitable, giving a success rate of 71.43%. The total profit stands at 8,582.6 SOL ($1.54 million), with 96.5% of the total profit coming from the last two days of trading.