#crypto is having an expected correction.
If you can't take the rough with the smooth then you have not been here long enough. Get used to it it's actually a blessing in disguise. #bitcoin
👉 Keep your chin up
👉 Take the bad with the good
👉 Make the best of things
👉 Look on the bright side
👉 Accept the bad with the good
👉 Keep smiling 😁
👉 Take the bitter with the sweet
👉 Accept the good and the bad
👉 Acknowledge the positives and negatives
👉 Confront the advantages and disadvantages
👉 Deal with the good and the bad
👉 Embrace the ups and downs
👉 Face yhe highs and lows
👉 Grin and bear it
👉 Make the best of something
👉 Ride with the punches
👉 Roll with the punches
👉 Take something as it comes
👉 Make the best of a bad job