According to Odaily, following the open-sourcing of its fastest ZK proof system, Expander, Polyhedra Network has announced plans to launch a series of ZK lectures and educational content. The initiative aims to help the community better understand ZK knowledge and learn how to deploy ZK applications, further promoting the influence of ZK technology in the Web3 world.

The Polyhedra team, in collaboration with other ZK experts in the industry, will provide high-quality ZK tutorials for community users and developers, further improving the ZK ecosystem. This move is expected to enhance the understanding and application of ZK technology, which is becoming increasingly important in the Web3 world.

The initiative by Polyhedra Network is seen as a significant step towards promoting the wider adoption and understanding of ZK technology. By providing educational content and tutorials, the company aims to empower developers and users with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively utilize ZK technology in their respective fields.