According to Odaily, Ryan Selkis, the founder of Messari, has expressed his views on the controversial FIT 21 bill. Despite his opposition to the content of the bill, Selkis supports its passage. He believes that once the bill is passed, it can be forwarded to the Senate for improvements and subsequent approval.

Selkis's stance on the FIT 21 bill is a nuanced one. While he disagrees with the content of the legislation, he sees the potential for it to be improved upon in the Senate. His support for the bill's passage indicates his belief in the legislative process and the potential for positive change through amendments and revisions.

This news highlights the ongoing debate surrounding the FIT 21 bill, with various stakeholders expressing differing views on its content and potential impact. As the bill moves forward, it will be interesting to see how it evolves and what changes are made in the Senate.