According to Foresight News, Redstone Chain has announced the official launch of its mainnet. The company also revealed plans to release several games in May, including Biomes, DEAR, DF Archon, Downstream, GG Quest, Sky Strife, This Cursed Machine, and words3. Additionally, Redstone will introduce the Redstone Market, an NFT marketplace built by Reservoir, and, a fast cross-chain money transfer service that supports L2 to L2 cross-chain. Other upcoming features include DEX Redswap, which runs Uniswap v3 contracts, Safe, Randcast, Rainbow custom network support, Privy, and support for Metamask and Walletconnect.

Redstone's Plasma Mode has been merged into the Optimism codebase and submitted to Optimism Superchain. The company is also planning to host the Redstone Worlds Expo, which users can visit on the Redstone community website between May 1 and May 15. Furthermore, users can mint an official Redstone NFT on the Redstone community website before 00:00 Beijing time on May 3.