According to BlockBeats, on April 5, Ethereum browser Etherscan reported a power outage at its data center, which affected its servers. Although power supply to the affected server cabinets has been restored, some servers were impacted. The team is currently working hard to resolve the issue. At present, Etherscan is undergoing unplanned maintenance due to abnormal block data updates.

The power interruption at the data center has caused some disruption to the servers, leading to the need for unexpected maintenance. The team at Etherscan is putting in efforts to rectify the situation and bring the servers back to normal functioning. The power supply to the affected server cabinets has been reinstated, but the impact on some servers remains.

The issue has led to abnormal updates in block data, which is currently being addressed through unplanned maintenance. The team is focused on resolving the issue as quickly as possible to minimize any potential disruption to users. The exact timeline for the completion of the maintenance and full restoration of services is not specified yet.