Illegal insider trading includes tipping others when you have any sort of material nonpublic information. Legal insider trading happens when directors of the company purchase or sell shares, but they disclose their transactions legally. The Securities and Exchange Commission has rules to protect investments from the effects of insider trading. It does not matter how the material nonpublic information was received or if the person is employed by the company.

For instance, someone learns about nonpublic material information from a family member and shares it with a friend. If the friend uses this insider information to profit in the stock market, then all three of the people involved could be prosecuted.

Is insider trading Illegal?

In the U.S., it is illegal for people to buy or sell stocks with information that is not available to everyone else. When someone has special knowledge about a company, they must keep it a secret and not share it with anyone. If someone tells someone else their secret, and that person uses the information to make money in the stock market, then all three of them can be in trouble with the law.

Insider trading is legal in the United States when the individual trading has access to public or non-public information that is not considered material. This means that not all insider trading activities are illegal, however, it is important to always remember that any person involved in insider trading must follow the applicable laws and regulations of the SEC, FINRA, and other agencies.

Crypto insider trading

Crypto insider trading is a bit different than traditional stock market insider trading. In crypto, traders use private information to purchase coins before exchange listing announcements and profit from the price surge that follows an announcement. This activity has been happening for years, but there are still no clear-cut rules about it being illegal or not.

In most cases, crypto insider trading is considered legal as long as the traders involved are not using non-public information to gain a competitive advantage. However, if the information shared is material and non-public, then it could be considered illegal in certain jurisdictions. Therefore, it is important for crypto traders to understand their local laws before engaging in any kind of insider trading.

Illegal insider trading in crypto is when someone has private information that other people don’t have and uses it to buy or sell coins. This gives them an unfair advantage over others. It is illegal if the information is secret and not shared with everyone else. Examples of illegal insider trading include buying or selling securities based on confidential information about a company’s performance, or manipulating market prices by trading on insider knowledge.

Insider trading is a serious offense and can lead to significant fines, jail time, and other penalties. People found guilty of insider trading may be subject to civil or criminal sanctions under both federal and state laws. The SEC has the authority to bring enforcement actions against individuals who have violated the law and can seek injunctions, disgorgement of profits, and other relief for those found liable for insider trading.

Why the SEC prohibits insider trading

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) prohibits insider trading in order to maintain a fair marketplace. When someone is privy to private information that isn’t available to everyone else, they are able to trade and make profits off of this knowledge. This puts other investors at an unfair disadvantage, allowing those with privileged knowledge to gain an advantage over everyone else.

By prohibiting insider trading, the SEC strives to maintain equal access for all participants in the stock market so that no one can get an unfair advantage over others.

Moreover, preventing insider trading helps protect the interests of small investors by ensuring that they are not taken advantage of by larger players who may have access to more news or inside information which would give them a clear-cut edge over their competition.

It also ensures that stock prices remain stable instead of being affected artificially due to manipulation from people with special information about company performance or any other acts related directly or indirectly to insider trading activities. All these measures ensure fairness across multiple levels and discourage any form of malicious activity in regard to manipulating share prices for personal gains.


It is important to know what insider trading activities are illegal because they can result in severe penalties. Crypto insider trading can be a tricky area to navigate, but it is important for traders to understand the laws and regulations in their jurisdiction before engaging in any kind of activity. The SEC prohibits such activity as it helps maintain a fair marketplace for all investors by preventing those with privileged knowledge from having an unfair advantage over others and to help protect small investors so that they don’t get taken advantage of by larger players who may have access to more inside information. With a better understanding of how insider trading works and its implications, traders will be able to know not to get in trouble when dealing with it.