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قفزت عملة Onyxcoin (XCN) بأكثر من 30% – زخم صعودي أم ارتفاع مؤقت؟ قفزت عملة أوينكس كوين (XCN) بنسبة 31%، لتصل إلى أعلى مستوى لها عند 0.01485 دولار أمريكي قبل أن تتراجع. يُظهر سوق العملات المشفرة علامات انتعاش، مما يُسهم في زخم سعر XCN. شهد سوق العملات المشفرة العالمي لونًا أخضر طفيفًا في مخططاته مع إظهار العملات المشفرة الرائدة علامات التعافي.في 12 مارس 2025، شهدت عملة Onyxcoin (XCN) زيادة ملحوظة في السعر بنسبة 31%، لتصل إلى 0.01485 دولار، قبل أن تنعكس.وتعد هذه الزيادة جزءًا من اتجاه تصاعدي أوسع نطاقًا تم رصده منذ بداية العام. وقت كتابة هذا التقرير، بلغ سعر XCN 0.01322 دولار أمريكي، بقيمة سوقية بلغت 431.08 مليون دولار أمريكي. كما ارتفع حجم تداول XCN اليومي بنسبة 44.10% تقريبًا ليصل إلى 136.65 مليون دولار أمريكي. ومع ذلك، انخفض سعر XCN بنسبة 15.28% خلال الأسبوع الماضي، ويعزى ذلك أساسًا إلى عمليات بيع مكثفة من قِبل كبار المستثمرين، المعروفين باسم “الحيتان”. وقد خفض هؤلاء المستثمرون حيازاتهم بأكثر من 50%، حيث باعوا ما يقارب 637 مليون XCN (بقيمة حوالي 76 مليون دولار أمريكي)، مما ساهم في تراجع معنويات السوق. يشير التحليل الفني إلى أن XCN قد واجه صعوبة في تجاوز مستوى المقاومة عند 0.015 دولار أمريكي. قد يؤدي عدم اختراق هذا الحاجز إلى مزيد من الانخفاضات، ربما نحو 0.0100 دولار أمريكي أو أقل. #Onyxcoin #xcn #onyx
قفزت عملة Onyxcoin (XCN) بأكثر من 30% – زخم صعودي أم ارتفاع مؤقت؟

قفزت عملة أوينكس كوين (XCN) بنسبة 31%، لتصل إلى أعلى مستوى لها عند 0.01485 دولار أمريكي قبل أن تتراجع.
يُظهر سوق العملات المشفرة علامات انتعاش، مما يُسهم في زخم سعر XCN.
شهد سوق العملات المشفرة العالمي لونًا أخضر طفيفًا في مخططاته مع إظهار العملات المشفرة الرائدة علامات التعافي.في 12 مارس 2025، شهدت عملة Onyxcoin (XCN) زيادة ملحوظة في السعر بنسبة 31%، لتصل إلى 0.01485 دولار، قبل أن تنعكس.وتعد هذه الزيادة جزءًا من اتجاه تصاعدي أوسع نطاقًا تم رصده منذ بداية العام.

وقت كتابة هذا التقرير، بلغ سعر XCN 0.01322 دولار أمريكي، بقيمة سوقية بلغت 431.08 مليون دولار أمريكي. كما ارتفع حجم تداول XCN اليومي بنسبة 44.10% تقريبًا ليصل إلى 136.65 مليون دولار أمريكي. ومع ذلك، انخفض سعر XCN بنسبة 15.28% خلال الأسبوع الماضي، ويعزى ذلك أساسًا إلى عمليات بيع مكثفة من قِبل كبار المستثمرين، المعروفين باسم “الحيتان”. وقد خفض هؤلاء المستثمرون حيازاتهم بأكثر من 50%، حيث باعوا ما يقارب 637 مليون XCN (بقيمة حوالي 76 مليون دولار أمريكي)، مما ساهم في تراجع معنويات السوق.

يشير التحليل الفني إلى أن XCN قد واجه صعوبة في تجاوز مستوى المقاومة عند 0.015 دولار أمريكي. قد يؤدي عدم اختراق هذا الحاجز إلى مزيد من الانخفاضات، ربما نحو 0.0100 دولار أمريكي أو أقل.

#xcn #onyx
由于鲸鱼减半,XCN 价格下跌 34%#xcn Onyxcoin(XCN)近期遭遇显著下跌,仅一周内跌幅达 34%。 市场情绪持续承压,大型投资者(鲸鱼)纷纷减持离场,进一步加剧 XCN 的抛售压力,使持有者面临更大的挑战。 Onyxcoin 鲸鱼正在撤退 持有 1000 万至 1 亿 XCN 的鲸鱼地址已大幅减仓,抛售 50% 以上 持仓量,导致其总持有量从 12.4 亿 XCN 下降至 6.03 亿 XCN,累计抛售 6.37 亿 XCN,价值约 7600 万美元。 如此大规模的抛售被视为 看跌信号,因为鲸鱼的行动往往会引发市场连锁反应,促使散户投资者跟随抛售,进一步加剧市场压力。 随着鲸鱼对 Onyxcoin(XCN) 复苏潜力信心下降,市场情绪可能持续低迷,短期内价格反弹或面临更大阻力。 XCN Whale Holding。 Onyxcoin(XCN)当前面临 宏观下行压力,主要受 鲸鱼抛售 和 整体市场环境 影响。其 相对强弱指数(RSI) 已跌至 7 个月低点,表明市场 看跌情绪达到高峰,XCN 走势极为脆弱,若趋势延续,可能进一步回调。 自 2024 年 8 月 以来,XCN 从未表现出如此疲软的态势。随着 投资者信心低迷,该代币短期内难以摆脱 下行趋势,市场反弹动力依然不足。 XCN RSI。 XCN 价格有望进一步下跌 Onyxcoin(XCN)在过去一周内 下跌 34%,当前价格 0.0119 美元,仍处于 下行趋势 之中。过去一个半月,它多次尝试突破 0.0127 美元阻力位 但未果,表明市场仍然承压,短期内难以快速反弹,预计价格可能在该水平下方 持续整理。 若 看跌情绪延续,且 鲸鱼进一步抛售,XCN 可能跌向 0.0100 美元,甚至触及 0.0080 美元。这将加剧投资者损失,并进一步打压市场信心,使 XCN 承受更大下行压力。 XCN 价格分析。 然而,如果 Onyxcoin 能够 成功突破 0.0127 美元 并将其转化为支撑位,则可能意味着市场情绪出现 潜在逆转。这一突破或将推动 XCN 反弹至 0.0150 美元,甚至挑战 0.0182 美元 的更高水平,从而削弱当前的看跌趋势,并 恢复投资者信心。 俱乐部标的回顾

由于鲸鱼减半,XCN 价格下跌 34%

Onyxcoin(XCN)近期遭遇显著下跌,仅一周内跌幅达 34%。
市场情绪持续承压,大型投资者(鲸鱼)纷纷减持离场,进一步加剧 XCN 的抛售压力,使持有者面临更大的挑战。
Onyxcoin 鲸鱼正在撤退
持有 1000 万至 1 亿 XCN 的鲸鱼地址已大幅减仓,抛售 50% 以上 持仓量,导致其总持有量从 12.4 亿 XCN 下降至 6.03 亿 XCN,累计抛售 6.37 亿 XCN,价值约 7600 万美元。
如此大规模的抛售被视为 看跌信号,因为鲸鱼的行动往往会引发市场连锁反应,促使散户投资者跟随抛售,进一步加剧市场压力。
随着鲸鱼对 Onyxcoin(XCN) 复苏潜力信心下降,市场情绪可能持续低迷,短期内价格反弹或面临更大阻力。
XCN Whale Holding。
Onyxcoin(XCN)当前面临 宏观下行压力,主要受 鲸鱼抛售 和 整体市场环境 影响。其 相对强弱指数(RSI) 已跌至 7 个月低点,表明市场 看跌情绪达到高峰,XCN 走势极为脆弱,若趋势延续,可能进一步回调。
自 2024 年 8 月 以来,XCN 从未表现出如此疲软的态势。随着 投资者信心低迷,该代币短期内难以摆脱 下行趋势,市场反弹动力依然不足。
XCN 价格有望进一步下跌
Onyxcoin(XCN)在过去一周内 下跌 34%,当前价格 0.0119 美元,仍处于 下行趋势 之中。过去一个半月,它多次尝试突破 0.0127 美元阻力位 但未果,表明市场仍然承压,短期内难以快速反弹,预计价格可能在该水平下方 持续整理。
若 看跌情绪延续,且 鲸鱼进一步抛售,XCN 可能跌向 0.0100 美元,甚至触及 0.0080 美元。这将加剧投资者损失,并进一步打压市场信心,使 XCN 承受更大下行压力。
XCN 价格分析。
然而,如果 Onyxcoin 能够 成功突破 0.0127 美元 并将其转化为支撑位,则可能意味着市场情绪出现 潜在逆转。这一突破或将推动 XCN 反弹至 0.0150 美元,甚至挑战 0.0182 美元 的更高水平,从而削弱当前的看跌趋势,并 恢复投资者信心。
El 3 de febrero se publicará el informe técnico de XCN: expectativas sobre el precio de Onyxcoin, el proyecto de cadena de bloques detrás del token $XCN, se está preparando para un hito importante con el lanzamiento de su nuevo informe técnico el 3 de febrero. El anuncio del próximo informe técnico y la introducción del libro mayor Onyx XCN han generado un gran revuelo en la comunidad de criptomonedas. #xcn
El 3 de febrero se publicará el informe técnico de XCN: expectativas sobre el precio de Onyxcoin, el proyecto de cadena de bloques detrás del token $XCN, se está preparando para un hito importante con el lanzamiento de su nuevo informe técnico el 3 de febrero. El anuncio del próximo informe técnico y la introducción del libro mayor Onyx XCN han generado un gran revuelo en la comunidad de criptomonedas.
🔻 XCN/USDT: Bearish Signals Flash — Can Buyers Defend Critical Support? Let’s Analyze! 📉Hey Binance Square fam! 👋 Brace yourselves — **XCN/USDT** is facing bearish pressure after a failed breakout attempt. Is this a dip to buy or a sign of deeper downside? Let’s break down the charts, key levels, and what’s next for this token! 🕵️♂️ --- ### **📉 Key Levels to Watch: The $0.0060 Danger Zone** XCN recently tested resistance but couldn’t hold momentum, sliding back into a bearish structure. Here’s what’s critical now: - **🔴 Broken Support Turned Resistance**: The **$0.0065–$0.0070** zone (previous support) is now acting as resistance. A reclaim here could flip the narrative. - **🛡️ Next Support**: If selling continues, watch **$0.0055–$0.0050** — a *make-or-break area* where buyers might step in. - **📉 Volume Speaks**: Declining volume during rallies hints at weak bullish conviction. Bears are in control… for now. --- ### **🎯 Scenarios: Will Bulls Fight Back?** #### **1. Bear Case 🐻 (More Likely)** - *Break below $0.0055*: Could trigger a plunge toward **$0.0045**, a level not seen since early 2023. - *RSI & MACD*: Both indicators show bearish momentum, with RSI hovering near oversold territory. #### **2. Bull Case 🐂 (Hopium Alert!)** - *Hold $0.0055*: A bounce here might retest $0.0065. A close above could signal a short-term reversal. - *Market Sentiment Shift*: A Bitcoin rally or positive XCN news could revive interest. --- ### **💡 Why XCN? The Project Behind the Token** XCN isn’t just a ticker — it’s the fuel for **Chain**, a blockchain infrastructure platform powering enterprises and developers. Despite recent price struggles, its fundamentals include: - 🔗 **Enterprise adoption**: Used by major institutions for asset tokenization and payments. - 🌐 **Growing ecosystem**: Partnerships with fintech giants and DeFi projects. - 💻 **Developer-friendly tools**: APIs for building custom blockchain solutions. *But remember*: Even strong projects can face market headwinds! --- ### **🔍 Pro Tips for Traders** - **⛔ Avoid Catching Falling Knives**: Wait for confirmation (e.g., bullish reversal patterns) before buying dips. - **🛑 Strict Stop-Losses**: Set stops below $0.0050 if you’re holding long positions. - **📡 Track Catalysts**: Watch for Chain ecosystem updates or Bitcoin’s price action — macro trends matter! --- ### **🌈 Final Thoughts** XCN/USDT is at a precarious juncture. The bears have the upper hand, but crypto markets can flip scripts overnight! Whether you’re a contrarian eyeing a potential rebound or waiting for clearer signals, **stay patient and disciplined**. **Remember**: Risk management is your best friend in volatile markets. Trade smart, not emotional! 💪 --- **👋 Over to You!** Do you think XCN will bounce or sink lower? Share your take below — let’s get the discussion rolling! 🗨️ *Disclaimer: This content is for educational purposes only. Always DYOR (do your own research) before trading.* #XCN #USDT #Crypto #Blockchain #BinanceSquare --- *Crafted with ❤️ for the Binance Square community. Together, we navigate the crypto waves! 🌊*

🔻 XCN/USDT: Bearish Signals Flash — Can Buyers Defend Critical Support? Let’s Analyze! 📉

Hey Binance Square fam! 👋 Brace yourselves — **XCN/USDT** is facing bearish pressure after a failed breakout attempt. Is this a dip to buy or a sign of deeper downside? Let’s break down the charts, key levels, and what’s next for this token! 🕵️♂️


### **📉 Key Levels to Watch: The $0.0060 Danger Zone**
XCN recently tested resistance but couldn’t hold momentum, sliding back into a bearish structure. Here’s what’s critical now:
- **🔴 Broken Support Turned Resistance**: The **$0.0065–$0.0070** zone (previous support) is now acting as resistance. A reclaim here could flip the narrative.
- **🛡️ Next Support**: If selling continues, watch **$0.0055–$0.0050** — a *make-or-break area* where buyers might step in.
- **📉 Volume Speaks**: Declining volume during rallies hints at weak bullish conviction. Bears are in control… for now.


### **🎯 Scenarios: Will Bulls Fight Back?**
#### **1. Bear Case 🐻 (More Likely)**
- *Break below $0.0055*: Could trigger a plunge toward **$0.0045**, a level not seen since early 2023.
- *RSI & MACD*: Both indicators show bearish momentum, with RSI hovering near oversold territory.

#### **2. Bull Case 🐂 (Hopium Alert!)**
- *Hold $0.0055*: A bounce here might retest $0.0065. A close above could signal a short-term reversal.
- *Market Sentiment Shift*: A Bitcoin rally or positive XCN news could revive interest.


### **💡 Why XCN? The Project Behind the Token**
XCN isn’t just a ticker — it’s the fuel for **Chain**, a blockchain infrastructure platform powering enterprises and developers. Despite recent price struggles, its fundamentals include:
- 🔗 **Enterprise adoption**: Used by major institutions for asset tokenization and payments.
- 🌐 **Growing ecosystem**: Partnerships with fintech giants and DeFi projects.
- 💻 **Developer-friendly tools**: APIs for building custom blockchain solutions.

*But remember*: Even strong projects can face market headwinds!


### **🔍 Pro Tips for Traders**
- **⛔ Avoid Catching Falling Knives**: Wait for confirmation (e.g., bullish reversal patterns) before buying dips.
- **🛑 Strict Stop-Losses**: Set stops below $0.0050 if you’re holding long positions.
- **📡 Track Catalysts**: Watch for Chain ecosystem updates or Bitcoin’s price action — macro trends matter!


### **🌈 Final Thoughts**
XCN/USDT is at a precarious juncture. The bears have the upper hand, but crypto markets can flip scripts overnight! Whether you’re a contrarian eyeing a potential rebound or waiting for clearer signals, **stay patient and disciplined**.

**Remember**: Risk management is your best friend in volatile markets. Trade smart, not emotional! 💪


**👋 Over to You!**
Do you think XCN will bounce or sink lower? Share your take below — let’s get the discussion rolling! 🗨️

*Disclaimer: This content is for educational purposes only. Always DYOR (do your own research) before trading.*

#XCN #USDT #Crypto #Blockchain #BinanceSquare

*Crafted with ❤️ for the Binance Square community. Together, we navigate the crypto waves! 🌊*
Now I just wonder why #xcn coin is not on binance? It went 165% in a day. Why I m thinking that is not a good platform to trade? #Binance
Now I just wonder why #xcn coin is not on binance? It went 165% in a day.
Why I m thinking that is not a good platform to trade?
$XCN/USDT (45m timeframe) is currently trading above the rising trendline support and the 100 EMA, indicating bullish momentum. The price is facing resistance at the marked red line. A breakout above this resistance could trigger a potential surge in price. DYOR, NFA #xcn  #XCNUSDT #Altseason #Altcoins! #sol $SOL $ETH
$XCN/USDT (45m timeframe) is currently trading above the rising trendline support and the 100 EMA, indicating bullish momentum. The price is facing resistance at the marked red line.

A breakout above this resistance could trigger a potential surge in price.

#xcn  #XCNUSDT #Altseason #Altcoins! #sol $SOL $ETH
Onyxcoin Price Prediction: Experts Say 500% Rally Is ComingOnyxcoin News: How XCN Ledger Sparked a Massive 500% Rally? The Crypto Market’s Recovery Fuels XCN’s Momentum The crypto market is stabilizing, with #Bitcoin ($BTC) near $98K and #Ethereum ($ETH) holding at $2,800 after a recent dip. As market sentiment improves, one standout performer is Onyxcoin (XCN), which has skyrocketed by 1,200% over the past month. This impressive rally has investors wondering: Can XCN climb another 500% and reach $0.1816? XCN’s Strong Rebound: What’s Driving the Surge? Onyxcoin recently touched a low of $0.01800 but has since bounced back above $0.03000, indicating strong investor confidence. Analysts suggest that the coin could be on track for a substantial price increase, with some predicting a potential target of $0.1816. The key catalyst behind this bullish outlook is the recent launch of the XCN Ledger, a groundbreaking Layer 3 blockchain designed to enhance scalability and efficiency. XCN Ledger: A Revolutionary Layer 3 Blockchain Unlike traditional Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions, Layer 3 networks focus on optimizing transaction speed, security, and cost-efficiency. The XCN Ledger plays a pivotal role in Onyxcoin’s ecosystem by streamlining transactions with near-instant confirmations and significantly lower fees. Additionally, it incorporates the XCN token as its native gas fee mechanism, following the EIP-1559 model—introducing a deflationary burn system that reduces the total supply of $XCN with each transaction. This scarcity-driven model could have a significant long-term impact on XCN’s price, increasing its value as Onyx Protocol expands its Web3 infrastructure. As adoption grows, the combination of increasing utility and decreasing supply makes XCN an asset to watch closely. Will XCN Reach $0.1816? With the launch of the XCN Ledger and increasing adoption, crypto analyst Javon Marks remains optimistic that #Onyxcoin could still hit $0.1816. Given the recent surge in buying pressure and improving market sentiment, another 500% gain remains a possibility. However, price movements in the crypto space are unpredictable, and investors should monitor key resistance and support levels closely. XCN’s Long-to-Short Ratio Signals Growing Market Confidence A notable metric supporting the bullish case for #Onyxcoin is its Long-to-Short Ratio. According to CoinGlass data, XCN's Long-to-Short Ratio has jumped from 0.7781 to 1.1706, signaling strong market confidence. A rising long-to-short ratio suggests that more traders are betting on XCN’s upward trajectory, further reinforcing the likelihood of sustained price growth. XCN’s Price Pattern: A Breakout on the Horizon? As of today, In the past 24 hours, Recent market data shows XCN price is trading above $0.3000. Technical analysis of Onyxcoin’s 4-hour chart reveals a symmetrical triangle pattern, often a precursor to a breakout. If $XCN price breaks above resistance, it could trigger another bullish surge, potentially revisiting its three-year high of $0.045–$0.050—a level it last tested on January 26. However, failure to breach this resistance could lead to a retest of lower support levels, delaying a potential breakout. The Future of Onyxcoin: What’s Next? With strong fundamentals, increasing adoption, and deflationary tokenomics, Onyxcoin (XCN) remains one of the most promising crypto assets in today’s market. If bullish momentum continues, the much-anticipated 500% surge could become a reality. However, investors should remain cautious, keeping an eye on key market trends and technical indicators. #onyxcoin #onyxcoinpriceprediction #xcn To Know more, Visit:- CoinGabbar

Onyxcoin Price Prediction: Experts Say 500% Rally Is Coming

Onyxcoin News: How XCN Ledger Sparked a Massive 500% Rally?
The Crypto Market’s Recovery Fuels XCN’s Momentum
The crypto market is stabilizing, with #Bitcoin ($BTC) near $98K and #Ethereum ($ETH) holding at $2,800 after a recent dip. As market sentiment improves, one standout performer is Onyxcoin (XCN), which has skyrocketed by 1,200% over the past month. This impressive rally has investors wondering: Can XCN climb another 500% and reach $0.1816?
XCN’s Strong Rebound: What’s Driving the Surge?
Onyxcoin recently touched a low of $0.01800 but has since bounced back above $0.03000, indicating strong investor confidence. Analysts suggest that the coin could be on track for a substantial price increase, with some predicting a potential target of $0.1816. The key catalyst behind this bullish outlook is the recent launch of the XCN Ledger, a groundbreaking Layer 3 blockchain designed to enhance scalability and efficiency.
XCN Ledger: A Revolutionary Layer 3 Blockchain
Unlike traditional Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions, Layer 3 networks focus on optimizing transaction speed, security, and cost-efficiency. The XCN Ledger plays a pivotal role in Onyxcoin’s ecosystem by streamlining transactions with near-instant confirmations and significantly lower fees. Additionally, it incorporates the XCN token as its native gas fee mechanism, following the EIP-1559 model—introducing a deflationary burn system that reduces the total supply of $XCN with each transaction.
This scarcity-driven model could have a significant long-term impact on XCN’s price, increasing its value as Onyx Protocol expands its Web3 infrastructure. As adoption grows, the combination of increasing utility and decreasing supply makes XCN an asset to watch closely.
Will XCN Reach $0.1816?
With the launch of the XCN Ledger and increasing adoption, crypto analyst Javon Marks remains optimistic that #Onyxcoin could still hit $0.1816. Given the recent surge in buying pressure and improving market sentiment, another 500% gain remains a possibility. However, price movements in the crypto space are unpredictable, and investors should monitor key resistance and support levels closely.

XCN’s Long-to-Short Ratio Signals Growing Market Confidence
A notable metric supporting the bullish case for #Onyxcoin is its Long-to-Short Ratio. According to CoinGlass data, XCN's Long-to-Short Ratio has jumped from 0.7781 to 1.1706, signaling strong market confidence. A rising long-to-short ratio suggests that more traders are betting on XCN’s upward trajectory, further reinforcing the likelihood of sustained price growth.

XCN’s Price Pattern: A Breakout on the Horizon?
As of today, In the past 24 hours, Recent market data shows XCN price is trading above $0.3000. Technical analysis of Onyxcoin’s 4-hour chart reveals a symmetrical triangle pattern, often a precursor to a breakout. If $XCN price breaks above resistance, it could trigger another bullish surge, potentially revisiting its three-year high of $0.045–$0.050—a level it last tested on January 26. However, failure to breach this resistance could lead to a retest of lower support levels, delaying a potential breakout.

The Future of Onyxcoin: What’s Next?
With strong fundamentals, increasing adoption, and deflationary tokenomics, Onyxcoin (XCN) remains one of the most promising crypto assets in today’s market. If bullish momentum continues, the much-anticipated 500% surge could become a reality. However, investors should remain cautious, keeping an eye on key market trends and technical indicators.
#onyxcoin #onyxcoinpriceprediction #xcn
To Know more, Visit:- CoinGabbar
$XCN #ONYXCOIN ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 It’s completely UNSTOPPABLE 💪 24X 🚀🚀🚀🚀 0.002$ to 0.049$ If it close weekly tomorrow above 👆 0.03$ , then for sure MAXIMUM 🎯 WILL BE ON THE TABLE. I am Out here by cashing out 80% of my holdings & rest for moon 🚀. REMEMBER TAKE PROFIT or REMAIN POOR. Volume ⬆️ inflow is amazing 🤩 RSI 👍 #xcn #XCNUSDT #CRIPTOHINDUSTAN #onyx #Onyxcoin
$XCN #ONYXCOIN ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

It’s completely UNSTOPPABLE 💪

24X 🚀🚀🚀🚀
0.002$ to 0.049$

If it close weekly tomorrow above 👆 0.03$ ,

I am Out here by cashing out 80% of my holdings & rest for moon 🚀.


Volume ⬆️ inflow is amazing 🤩

#xcn #XCNUSDT #CRIPTOHINDUSTAN #onyx #Onyxcoin
$XCN #ONYXCOIN ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

15X ⬆️
0.002$ to 0.03$

10X 🆙 in just 1️⃣ week
0.003$ to 0.03$

It did hold 0.014$ zone strongly & hence 🔜 after 🎯 2️⃣ on the table .


24Hrs volume inflow is 1 Bn$

#CRIPTOHINDUSTAN #XCNUSDT #xcn #onyx #Onyxcoin
🚀 Alguien se lo esta pasando igual de Bien que YO con #XCN ??? Estoy flipando como sube esta mierda! Alucinando como sube estoooo!! Llevo un mes haciendo un X1000!! Es el dia mas feliz de mi vida!
🚀 Alguien se lo esta pasando igual de Bien que YO con #XCN ??? Estoy flipando como sube esta mierda! Alucinando como sube estoooo!! Llevo un mes haciendo un X1000!! Es el dia mas feliz de mi vida!
#xcn ne zaman #Binance de?
#xcn ne zaman #Binance de?
Everybody placing bets on #xrp but the real coin is #xcn 😅😅😅
Everybody placing bets on #xrp but the real coin is #xcn 😅😅😅
What Is Onyxcoin (XCN)?Onyx Protocol is a decentralized platform that facilitates a peer-to-peer money market lending protocol. The Onyx Protocol supports a variety of digital assets, such as Ether (ETH), ERC-20 tokens, ERC-721 tokens, and ERC-1155 tokens, which can be supplied or borrowed through an aggregated and unified balance, supported by non-custodial custody via decentralized smart contracts. Furthermore, NFTs can be supplied as collateral to enhance the borrowing capacity of the corresponding account.Onyx Protocol’s underlying mechanism is powered by Onyxcoin (XCN), a decentralized digital asset on the Ethereum blockchain that serves as both the protocol's governance and utility token. Credit lines accessed and borrowed through the Onyx Protocol do not have monthly payments or expiration dates, and they remain perpetual as long as the collateral is deemed sufficient.#xcn #chain #eth #ERC20

What Is Onyxcoin (XCN)?

Onyx Protocol is a decentralized platform that facilitates a peer-to-peer money market lending protocol. The Onyx Protocol supports a variety of digital assets, such as Ether (ETH), ERC-20 tokens, ERC-721 tokens, and ERC-1155 tokens, which can be supplied or borrowed through an aggregated and unified balance, supported by non-custodial custody via decentralized smart contracts. Furthermore, NFTs can be supplied as collateral to enhance the borrowing capacity of the corresponding account.Onyx Protocol’s underlying mechanism is powered by Onyxcoin (XCN), a decentralized digital asset on the Ethereum blockchain that serves as both the protocol's governance and utility token. Credit lines accessed and borrowed through the Onyx Protocol do not have monthly payments or expiration dates, and they remain perpetual as long as the collateral is deemed sufficient.#xcn #chain #eth #ERC20
Check out today’s top gainers in the top 100 market rank coins! 1️⃣ #RAY -> Top53 rank -> Increased by +23% in spot $RAY {spot}(RAYUSDT) 2️⃣ #XCN -> Top78 rank -> Increased by +22% in spot 3️⃣#TAO -> Top38 rank -> Increased by +17% in spot $TAO {future}(TAOUSDT) 4️⃣#ONDOUSDT -> Top27 rank -> Increased by +15% in spot 5️⃣#JUP -> Top45 rank -> Increased by +14% in spot $JUP {future}(JUPUSDT) "ALREADY TOLD HERE IN BINANCE TO BUY SOME ALTCOINS IN THE DIP"
Check out today’s top gainers in the top 100 market rank coins!

1️⃣ #RAY -> Top53 rank -> Increased by +23% in spot

2️⃣ #XCN -> Top78 rank -> Increased by +22% in spot

3️⃣#TAO -> Top38 rank ->
Increased by +17% in spot

4️⃣#ONDOUSDT -> Top27 rank ->
Increased by +15% in spot

5️⃣#JUP -> Top45 rank ->
Increased by +14% in spot
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