In a bear market, guilds must outperform their peers in order to exist; SBT is the solution.

The bear market is challenging, particularly for the many participants in the gamefi track who, in essence, must deal with the conundrum that "a wise woman can't cook without rice" every day. Games and communities are keeping silent due to the bear market. Of course, the market is also experiencing growth.

The current circumstance is significantly more challenging, particularly for the guild. YGG shared the spotlight with Axie Infinity in 2021 and enjoyed enormous success, and it also gave rise to a global surge of gaming guilds. But in 2022, YGG and Axie Infinity's brilliance has faded. Even the question of whether the guild can aid gamefi has been under a serious discussion.

Regarding this, after a thorough investigation, especially of Axie Infinity and StepN, we feel that game guilds continue to play a significant role in the gamefi track, particularly in the early stage of game and players' long-term education.

Furthermore, we think that guilds may genuinely fulfill more fundamental demands of players in the gamefi2.0 period, which is the basis for guilds to play a bigger role soon. The problems and future of the guild will next be analyzed below.

1/ Why guilds have been abandoned?

There have been numerous negative comments made about the function of guilds in the games in 2022. The co-founder of StepN, Jerry, expressed one of the most prevalent viewpoints: "StepN does not want to cooperate with game guilds and is upset with the rental model under the guild system, because users lack devotion." Even more plainly stated is in StepN's official article: "The guild, while adding a social dimension, is acting as a middleman distorts the market's power dynamics and pricing system.

Additionally, certain guilds and studios do consider some games to be "chickens that lay golden eggs." Due to the guild's early access to many relatively inexpensive chips, such as tokens and nft, it will undoubtedly pose significant hidden risks to the market's pricing mechanism because it will be able to acquire a significant number of tokens through game play. In some instances, we've observed that certain guilds or studios only sell a portion of them, always ensuring the game's existence, until the food eventually becomes bland, at which point they will sell all tokens and the game utterly extinct.

Along with the group's "negative" exterior impacts, the market presents guild with enormous difficulties. The gamefi market, which was lively in the past, is recently under a bear market. Meanwhile, the guild track has come to a total standstill. The threshold for gamefi is not high due to the shifting market conditions.

Consider Axie Infinity, which I tried before for a straightforward comparison. Three NFTs are required to play Axie. They cost me nearly 0.5 ETH(about 2000u); now you may now purchase these three "ugly" objects for 0.01ETH or 180u. The distinction between 2000u and 180u is readily apparent to a large number of people.

Traditional gaming guilds, whose primary revenue streams are asset leasing and revenue sharing, quickly lose their allure as a result of the drastic decline in the price of game assets. For players, to borrow NFT from guild is not necessary; even more, it is not necessary to play gamefi for players right now due to the low return.

As a result, the guild won't be much use to gamefi players if they have sufficient information source, and the guild's standing in the industry will be problematic.

2/ Guild: infrastructure of Gamefi still

Despite the fact that gamefi is clearly in a bear market, after a thorough evaluation, we have a strong faith in gamefi and think that gamefi is highly likely to take the lead in ending the bear market. The main issue is that gamefi lacks a well-known game and that the future gamefi 2.0 will most likely explode the consumer market at any moment. We have observed a number of games with potential during the long-term collaboration process, including Blast Royale, on which RPD is presently concentrating.

We think that the guild continues to be the foundation of the gamefi industry;the foundation of people which are the most valuable resource.

These fundamentals mainly stem from two basic needs of people as real players: information and social interaction.

The first is a need for information. This desire is very explicit. The number of games in the gamefi 2.0 stage will significantly outnumber those in gamefi 1.0 in terms of both quantity and quality. Players have high standards for efficacy and require a variety of information services before playing gamefi, such as game introduction, operation instructions, skill analysis, industry reports, etc. Neither vertical media of gamefi and general media can provide timely coverage of a certain game. Currently, guild still has a lot of advantages in terms of choosing potential games and offering in-depth information and helpful advice in real-time.

Then there are the requirements of society. This can be easily seen as a particular example of socialfi in gamefi to enable people to successfully socialize through games. Social interaction is a key component of conventional games, and these games' built-in chat rooms (either text or voice) can serve this purpose. Additionally, there will be third-party systems that enable various sorts of social interaction, such as gaming forums and live broadcast platforms.

Another degree of social implication is to categorize users (players) in a sophisticated label manner, which is crucial for analyzing user data and intelligent game recommendations.

To be honest, the present game guilds and gamefi haven't done a very good job of socialization. Guilds, on the other hand, can offer a suitable platform for player socialization and player management through a variety of channels as an organization that spans a number of specific video games. The social significance of gamefi guilds cannot be disregarded, and this is not at odds with other social media or social tools.

The value of this human infrastructure is comparable to that of other technical infrastructures, and guilds may generally fill the role of game-related infrastructure at the informational and social levels.

3/ Go beyond guild? Becoming a full-service platform

On the one hand, the conventional guild model has found it challenging to meet the needs of high-quality games' spread on social media. Instead, it will result in a constant selling pressure and a significant economic instability inside the game.

On the other hand, players' needs for game information, tutorials, and social interaction are continually aroused and eager to be met in light of gamefi's ongoing evolution, including the increase in game difficulty and the widespread popularity of win2earn and other modes. The guild happens to be the most appropriate external platform to satisfy these requirements.

The guild will still be where most gamefi players congregate in the forthcoming gamefi 2.0 stage (perhaps around the end of this year, possibly in the first part of next year, and of course it may be later), and the reason they choose to congregate will be diversified, including traditional asset leasing ras well as information, education, social interaction, etc..

This suggests greater standards for guilds in terms of player management and services, including not only the capacity and team to provide information but also the appropriate tools to facilitate more convenient asset leasing and satisfy players' social demands.

Due to this, guilds must either create comparable items on their own or be able to include existing ones. The guild should not be changed into a venture capital firm or merely a community; it should not practice asset leasing exclusively through the mail/account system. Guilds should have a bigger role in Gamefi 2.0.

4/What role will SBT and RPD Pass play?

SBT (soulbound token) will play a significant role in the guild's transformation. E. Glen Weyl, an economist and sociologist, lawyer Puja Ohlhaver, and Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, suggested SBT in May of this year. As "NFT 2.0," SBT has several key characteristics, including: SBT can reflect a wide range of traits and accomplishments of a person or institution. It is tied to a wallet, cannot be traded, and has no monetary value.

In our opinion, SBT will be crucial to the growth of the entire blockchain industry. The user's on-chain data and some off-chain data will be the main focus of the SBT issuance (such as the soul-bound token BAB distributed by Binance based on kyc data). SBT will probably be able to address the issue of "what they are" if DID can only partially address the issue of "who they are" of wallets addresses. The significance of this is obvious to projects, particularly in marketing and community promotion.

In the world of game technology, a player's conduct on social media, gaming performance, or history of work completions on the task platform RPO established by RPD can all serve as the foundation of SBT and serve as the player's labels.

Fine grooming has obvious advantages. The gamefi project, like other metaverse projects, is able to attract exact users through airdrops, communities, etc., at various phases, in accordance with varied development objectives, and aiming to attract particular player groups. This will signal a significant shift in the game-related industry's marketing and promotional strategies, and it will support the gamefi industry's healthy growth.

Addition to organizing the job platform data and dispersing SBT, RPD is developing a wallet that can support SBT's display, assist users in thwarting the SBT black market, and aid projects in locating precise user crowd tags.

Regarding the RPD Pass, it can be considered a voucher for the gamefi business as well as an industry welfare aggregator. Users can continue to receive a variety of industrial benefits with RPD Pass, and these advantages originate from the gamefi/nft projects, which works closely with RPD.

SBT will therefore become the norm for gamefi players in the future, especially those real players. RPD Pass will be the ideal option if players wish to relatively easily reap the benefits of industry development as well as RPD's development.

After a careful consideration, RPD is gradually surpassing the guild, creating a platform based on SBT and RPD Pass, with a number of useful tools (such as mission platforms, gamefi Wallet), and becoming Gamefi's real traffic entrance and transit center, supplying real players for high-quality games, and laying a human foundation for the industry's development.