Here Are 4 Things You Should Know About Making Profits in Crypto
1) Entering the market too soon because it is going up in price is not a strategy and it leads to trading anxiety.
2) Instead of looking for the next shiba inu, it’s important to look out for the reason why people bought into the coin even when it wasn’t really known.
This will make you able to know coins that are likely to make huge profits because you can recognize the patterns of successful crypto assets.
3) Don’t be overly excited at having millions of a coin with no actual value instead having 1 coin that has value is a better option
For example: having 5 million of a penny coin that keeps dropping in price is not worth any money but an investor who has 10 Eth is a smart one because of the demand and use of Ethereum in the crypto space.
4) if you are not good at trading, try to learn and stick to spot trading. One of the reasons is because it has lesser risk compared to other options.
Bonus point: There are some features like ”Simple earn” on binance that allows you to make small gains on your investments everyday by locking your funds for a specific number of days, you can also try it out.