Interviewer: "Name some of your strengths."

Me: "Well, I somehow manage to print money out of thin air in the deepest depths of the bear by qualifying for the most obscure airdrops that end up being worth a decent chunk;

the JPOW of Airdrops so to speak. "

Interviewer: "What would you've done differently if you could rewind time?"

Me: "Spin up more wallets. The answer is always to spin up more wallets and grind like there's no tomorrow."

Interviewer: "What's your 'gonna make it' play?"

Me: "Still Airdrop Farming. The Sharpe ratio would even leave JPM investment bankers utterly astonished. Thankfully, they're not aware of the skewed r/r ratio yet.

If I can print money out of thin air in the deepest depths of the bear, watch me rerun the playbook in a frothy bull market.

I've perfected my craft; routes, accounts, projects to focus on, all while getting tipped off due to my ever-growing reach.

#crypto is cyclical, and whether you believe it or not, there'll always be another bull market.

And that's precisely when I'll reap the fruits of my labor.

You won't believe the obscene amount of clout claiming and realized risk-free gains that'll take place once just 30% of the projects on my list airdrop.

And as always, just remember: I told you so."

I print $25,000 risk free on a single account during a one-of-a-kind +600 day prolonged-bear market.

How much $ will I create out of thin air:

• By utilizing more than 1 wallet

• In a frothy bull market

• After having perfected my craft

• When the majority of high-profile, tokenless projects have yet to launch a token?

You'll find out soon enough.

Just follow me and stay tuned…