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$RONIN still outperforms the other platforms in the same sector. It has been following the general trend quite well, so if you still have #RON staked, you can continue to DCAn when it dips. => So $RON is probably the most profitable token in the gaming token lineup right now. => If you're asking about the price target for RON, you can consider a short/medium-term price target of at least flipping the current price of $IMX. #web3gaming #Gaming $PIXEL

$RONIN still outperforms the other platforms in the same sector.

It has been following the general trend quite well, so if you still have #RON staked, you can continue to DCAn when it dips.

=> So $RON is probably the most profitable token in the gaming token lineup right now.

=> If you're asking about the price target for RON, you can consider a short/medium-term price target of at least flipping the current price of $IMX.

#web3gaming #Gaming


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