Binance Square
Two Bitcoin whales woke up after 10 years! Mysterious wallets holding a combined 1,000 $BTC (worth $61 million today) suddenly transferred out their funds after a decade of inactivity. The wallets acquired the Bitcoin in 2013 for just $134 each, making a massive 456x return! One address moved the coins further, while the other remains full. Who could be behind this? #Bitcoin #WhaleActivity #ETFvsBTC

Two Bitcoin whales woke up after 10 years! Mysterious wallets holding a combined 1,000 $BTC (worth $61 million today) suddenly transferred out their funds after a decade of inactivity. The wallets acquired the Bitcoin in 2013 for just $134 each, making a massive 456x return! One address moved the coins further, while the other remains full. Who could be behind this?

#Bitcoin #WhaleActivity #ETFvsBTC

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