Binance Square
All we need now is to get the halving event behind us. All the War talks are fading down, and people are starting to realize that the reality is less scary than they thought. I believe that in the next few weeks we will see: 1. People stop talking about $BTC, and stop talking more about alt coins 2. $BTC dominance getting weaker - making more room for $ETH and the altcoins 3. Less war fud 4. More volume when all the degens are back from Dubai. #dubai #Crypto #HavlingBitcoin #BitcoinHalvingTrends Let the paper hands sell for cheap, soon the volume will be back up and the printing szn will continue

All we need now is to get the halving event behind us.

All the War talks are fading down, and people are starting to realize that the reality is less scary than they thought.

I believe that in the next few weeks we will see:

1. People stop talking about $BTC, and stop talking more about alt coins

2. $BTC dominance getting weaker - making more room for $ETH and the altcoins

3. Less war fud

4. More volume when all the degens are back from Dubai.

#dubai #Crypto #HavlingBitcoin #BitcoinHalvingTrends

Let the paper hands sell for cheap, soon the volume will be back up and the printing szn will continue

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