Binance Square
Crypto Empires
Will Bitcoin’s Price Drop? The recent sell-off by long-term Bitcoin holders, who traditionally were considered experienced and strategic investors, is raising concerns reminiscent of past market downturns. However, recent data analysis suggests a shift in strategy as long-term holders have been initiating a sell-off, notably transferring ~$625M in profit to exchanges on Jan. 22, resembling previous activity on Jan. 17. The situation escalated on Jan. 23 when long-term holders incurred a substantial loss of about $430M by transferring coins to exchanges as Bitcoin fell below $39,000. This pattern is eerily similar to the pre-Luna collapse capitulation observed in May 2022 when a comparable amount was sent to exchanges at a loss, preceding a more severe loss of over $600M just a week later. This precedes a shocking drop in Bitcoin's value below $20,000. These repeated losses raise concerns about potential capitulation among Bitcoin's long-term stakeholders…

Will Bitcoin’s Price Drop?

The recent sell-off by long-term Bitcoin holders, who traditionally were considered experienced and strategic investors, is raising concerns reminiscent of past market downturns.

However, recent data analysis suggests a shift in strategy as long-term holders have been initiating a sell-off, notably transferring ~$625M in profit to exchanges on Jan. 22, resembling previous activity on Jan. 17.

The situation escalated on Jan. 23 when long-term holders incurred a substantial loss of about $430M by transferring coins to exchanges as Bitcoin fell below $39,000.

This pattern is eerily similar to the pre-Luna collapse capitulation observed in May 2022 when a comparable amount was sent to exchanges at a loss, preceding a more severe loss of over $600M just a week later.

This precedes a shocking drop in Bitcoin's value below $20,000. These repeated losses raise concerns about potential capitulation among Bitcoin's long-term stakeholders…

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